======================= 0.1: first public version (beta) 0.2: add "resetmodoptions" to generated battle settings 0.2a: fix "wrong option type" errors in unitsync.log add optional parameter for Spring data directory 0.3: new optional parameter to specify an output file instead of using stdout (the unitsync library now pollutes stdout) avoid unitsync re-inits during Spring archives load (use "RemoveAllArchives" unitsync function instead) 0.4: "games" folder is also listed as subdirectory of spring data directory battle setting "resetmodoptions" is replaced by "resetoptions" (impacts both mod settings and map settings) removed the deprecated unitsync functions calls improved error message when failing to load Perl Unitsync module fixed option sections misrecognized 0.4a: "packages" folder is also listed as subdirectory of spring data directory 0.4b: fixed section separator line appearing even when comments are disabled 0.4c: "mods" folder is no longer listed as subdirectory of spring data directory make Spring 95 behave like previous versions concerning writable data directory location 0.4d: fix setting ranges and negative values handling 0.5: "step" parameters are now taken into account for number range modoptions improved handling of float numbers received through unitsync library show unitsync error messages when unitsync library initialization fails 0.6: revamped command line parameters management using GetOpt it is now possible to specify unitsync library path as command line parameter (compatibility with new PerlUnitSync interface module) several Spring data directories can now be specified 0.7: replace the basic list functions any/all/none/notall with those provided by the List::Util Perl module (requires Perl >= 5.19.5) 0.8: use new object-oriented unitsync interface fix minor output misformatting when modoptions contain an empty section help.dat: ======== 0.1: first public version (beta) 0.2a: typo in !reloadArchives 0.3.0: new commands: mapLink, nextMap, nextPreset, update (commands.conf must be updated, refer to configuration templates for default rights) 0.3.0a: typo in !status 0.3.1: new optional !list parameters (map filters for "!list maps", "all" for "!list [hb]settings") 0.4.0: new command aliases: "!spec " (= "!force spec"), and "!cv " (= "!callvote ") 0.5.0: new commands: boss, cheat 0.5.1: add help for "!help bset " syntax (battle settings help added) 0.5.2: add help for "!reloadConf keepSettings" syntax (configuration reload without altering current settings) 0.6.0: new command: rebalance 0.7.0: new command: learnMaps 0.8.0: new commands: auth, chpasswd 0.8.1: new optional !reloadConf parameters: configuration macros (re)definitions (persistent if "keepMacros" is specified) new optional !restart parameters: configuration macros (re)definitions 0.8.2: update help for !help command (all settings help is now implemented) 0.9.0: new commands: banIp, banIps, chrank, coop, kickBan, searchUser, smurfs, specAfk, unbanIp, unbanIps add "ip" filter in !ban syntax 0.9.0a: new optional !smurfs parameter ("all") 0.9.0b: new optional !clearBox parameter ("extra") 0.9.0c: the "!smurfs" command without parameter now performs smurf detection on all players in battle 0.9.1: add example for accountId ban type 0.9.1a: add examples for ban durations using time units ("y": year, "m": month, "w": week, "d": day, "h": hour) 0.10.0: new "#" syntax for !ban, !banIp, !banIps, !smurfs, !unbanIp and !unbanIps commands new "@" syntax for !searchUser command new commands: !sendLobby, !whois 0.10.0a: improve "unlock" command description 0.10.1: new "spec" optional parameter for !quit/!restart commands 0.10.2: !nextMap and !nextPreset now use the same rotation mode as rotationEndGame (if end game rotation is disabled, "random" is still used as previously) 0.11: new commands: addBot, advert, joinAs, loadBoxes, removeBot the "!force" command can now be used for local AI bots too the "!nextMap" and "!nextPreset" commands are now configured by "rotationManual" preset setting (previously the same setting as end game rotation was used) 0.11.1: new command: !stats 0.11.2: add rotationMaps parameter description for "!list" command 0.12.0: new aliases: "!b" = "!vote b", "!n" = "!vote n", "!y" = "!vote y" new commands: "!chskill","!plugin" new !list parameters: "plugins","pSettings" 0.12.0a: fix !balance description (commShare has been renamed to nbPlayerById years ago) 0.12.0b: fix typo in !chskill description 0.12.0c: add optional parameter for "!list bSettings" to filter map/mod/engine settings 0.12.0d: typo "blanc" -> "blank" 0.12.1: !ban/!unban commands now also accept greater/less than (or equal to) notations in filters: >,<,>=,<= the user's autohost access level can now also be used as a ban filter in !ban command !ban/!banIp/!banIps commands now take an explicit ban type strings as parameter ("full","battle","spec") instead of ban type codes (numbers 0,1,2) !ban/!banIp/!banIps commands now also accept durations expressed in number of games the !unban command now also accepts ban hashes as parameter to ease specific ban entry removal 0.12.2: it is now possible to list aliases with "!list aliases" and to filter settings in "!list settings/hSettings/bSettings/pSettings" output remove alias entries (!b,!cv,!n,!spec,!y) as they can be listed with "!list aliases" now 0.12.3: the !ban/!unban commands now accept skill based bans (new filters: "skill" and "skillUncert") 0.12.4: the "!force" command can now be used to force full battle balance in one command: "!force * (player1,player2)(player3,player4)..." 0.12.5: the "!force" command can now be used to give resource bonus 0.13.0: removed obsolete !pass command 0.13.1: added fast mode for !reload command (detects archives addition/removal, but not archives modifications) 0.13.2: removed "cpu" filter parameter from !ban and !unban commands removed "all" parameter from !smurfs command 0.13.3: extend !list command usage to show current vote settings: "!list vSettings" 0.14.0: add !resign command 0.14.1: new "!sendLobby" command syntax: parameter handling in shell mode helpSettings.dat: ================ 0.1.0: first public version (beta) 0.1.1: remove blank lines which aren't shown in help output anyway typos 0.1.1a: bad type for "votePvMsgDelay" preference 0.1.1b: SPADS no longer installs/updates/uses its own unitsync.dll (Windows) [backport of 0.2.1b] 0.2.0: new global settings: kickBanDuration, minLevelForIpAddr, userDataRetention new preset settings: extraBox, idShareMode, handleSuggestions, rankMode, shareId new preferences: handleSuggestions, rankMode, shareId add help for preference "password" 0.2.1: new allowed value for "idShareMode" setting: "clan" 0.2.1a: "contrib" release type added (contains external unchecked patches) 0.2.1b: SPADS no longer installs/updates/uses its own unitsync.dll (Windows) 0.2.1c: max value of the maxPlayers hosting setting is now 251 0.3.0: new global settings: onBadSpringVersion, maxSpecsImmuneLevel, minVoteParticipation, useWin32Process new preset settings: ircColors, spoofProtection, clanMode, autoStop, noSpecChat, noSpecDraw new preferences: spoofProtection, ircColors, clan 0.3.1: new "whenOnlySpec" value for "autoRestartForUpdate" global setting 0.3.2: map names no longer contain ".smf" extension 0.3.3: new "autoSaveBoxes" value allowed: "2" (auto-save map boxes only if there is no start box saved for this map yet) "%M" is now allowed in mapLink preset setting (map archive name) 0.3.4: new "freeSettings" syntax allowed to restrict free values of each setting 0.3.4a: add "not supported by TASClient" information about "ircColors" preference 0.3.5: new "idShareMode" value allowed: "off" (workaround for 16 IDs max lobby limitation: it totally disables shared IDs, disregarding what is set in battle lobby) "rotationEndGame" now also determines the rotation mode used for !nextMap and !nextPreset commands it is now possible to set "map" setting to an empty value in configuration files to use the first map of current map list 0.3.5a: typo 0.3.5b: added syntax for multi-lines welcome messages and private welcome messages 0.3.5c: "%t" is now allowed in welcome messages (time elapsed since game start) 0.4.0: new global settings: forceHostIp, springConfig, springServerType, statusFloodAutoKick, broadcastChannels new preset settings: rotationManual, minTeamSize, endGameCommand, endGameCommandEnv, maxRemoteBots, maxLocalBots, autoAddBotNb, localBots, allowedLocalAIs, allowMapOptionsValues, midGameSpecLevel, ghostMapLink, advertDelay, advertMsg battle lobby message flood and status-change flood detections are now configured by 2 distinct parameters (previously they were both handled by "msgFloodAutoKick") global setting "msgFloodAutoBan" has been renamed to "kickFloodAutoBan" global setting "masterChannel" no longer specifies a channel where SPADS reports basic game status mesages (new "broadcastChannels" global setting is used instead) preset setting "rotationEndGame" no longer determines the rotation modes used by !nextMap and !nextPreset commands (new "rotationManual" global setting is used instead) preset setting "allowGhostMaps" behaviour now depends on new "springServerType" global setting (ghost maps can't be used with headless server) preset setting "nbTeams" can take special value "1" for "chicken" type games preset setting "mapLink" is now only used for local maps battle setting "resetmodoptions" has been renamed to "resetoptions" and now concerns both mod options and map options various typos 0.4.0a: fix advertDelay description (advertMessage -> advertMsg) nbPlayerById, nbTeams and teamSize must be non-null 0.4.1: new preset setting: endGameCommandMsg 0.4.1a: added a few placeholders for end game command settings (startPlayingTimestamp, endPlayingTimestamp, gameDuration) 0.4.2: new preset setting: endGameAwards minor update for %structure placeholder in endGameCommad and endGameCommandEnv settings 0.5.0: new global settings: pluginsDir, autoLoadPlugins new preset settings: speedControl, skillMode new preference: skillMode rankMode preference now only applies if skillMode preference is set to "clan" default clanMode is now "tag;pref(5)" (was "tag;pref(10)") 0.5.1: "rank" has been renamed to "skill" in balanceMode setting values ("skill","clan;skill") fix "password" hosting setting description 0.5.1a: updated "modName" hosting setting description: the mod can also be located in "games" and "packages" subdirectories of Spring data directory 0.5.1b: "statusFloodAutoKick" global setting was misnamed "Message flood auto-kick thresholds" updated "minLevelForIpAddr" global setting description 0.5.1c: updated "speedControl" allowed values (new range: 1-2) 0.5.2: updated "onBadSpringVersion" description for multi-engine lobby protocol extension 0.5.2a: minor fix in "autoUpdateBinaries" description 0.5.2b: updated "modName" hosting setting description: the mod can no longer be located in "mods" subdirectory of Spring data directory 0.5.2c: update map links default values (thanks abma) 0.5.3: add "cheating" placeholder for endGameCommand and endGameCommandEnv settings 0.5.3a: default value for springieEmulation is now "warn" 0.5.4: the kickBanDuration global setting now also accepts durations expressed in number of games default kickBanDuration is 300 (5 minutes) 0.5.5: it is now possible to specify multiple Spring data directories through the "springDataDir" global setting clarify useWin32Process documentation 0.5.6: values "unitsync" and "server" for "autoUpdateBinaries" setting are now deprecated 0.5.7: local AI bots colors can now be configured 0.5.8: the "autoStop" preset setting can now contain a delay value to replace the 5 seconds default help for "extraBox" preset setting improved 0.5.8a: default value for "onBadSpringVersion" global setting changed (multi-engine lobby protocol extension is now used by default when needed) 0.5.8b: fix wrong default value in "maxSpecs" preset setting documentation 0.5.9: new allowed value for "endGameAwards" preset setting: "2" (enable end game awards for all games) 0.5.10: the "minVoteParticipation" setting value can now depend on game runing state fix typos 0.5.11: add information concerning required absolute form of directory settings 0.6.0: removed obsolete global settings: binDir, autoUpdateBinaries, onBadSpringVersion removed obsolete preset settings: minRankForPasswd, minLevelForPasswd new global settings: instanceDir, autoManagedSpringVersion, autoManagedSpringDir, unitsyncDir, simpleEventLogLevel, eventModel, maxChildProcesses following global settings can now contain relative paths: etcDir, varDir, logDir, pluginsDir when Spring version auto-management is enabled, the "springServer" global setting must now be empty and the "springServerType" global setting must now be defined the "springDataDir" global setting does not need to contain the Spring data directory containing Spring base files when Spring version auto-management is enabled the "minLevelForIpAddr" global setting has been renamed to "privacyTrustLevel" as it is used for privacy data in general, not only IP addresses the default value for "map" preset setting is now empty (use first allowed map available) the "clan" value for "balanceMode" preset setting has been renamed to "clan;random", to better reflect the fact that the balance is random appart from clans being honored the "password" hosting setting can no longer be set to special value "_RANDOM_" to use a random password some config macros used as default setting values and valuated during installation have been renamed to better reflect setting names 0.6.1: the "autoManagedSpringVersion" global setting now accepts "maintenance" value in springRelease field (to stay up to date with Spring maintenance builds) 0.6.2: default value for "autoLockClients" global setting is now "64" clarify "autoLockClients" and "autoLock" settings differences 0.6.3: event loop time slice is now configurable (extended format of "eventModel" global setting) 0.6.4: support new placeholders in "welcomeMsg" and "welcomeMsgInGame" preset settings: "%p" for current global preset, "%P" for description of current global preset 0.6.5: update documentation for "idShareMode" (it is no longer required to set "idShareMode" to "off" to enable workarounds for lobby protocol limitations regarding maximum team and ID numbers) 0.6.6: the "colorSensitivity" global setting now also accepts value "-1" to use a new color assignment algorithm taking game mode and battle structure into account 0.6.7: fix "lobbyHost" global setting allowed and default values update description of "autoManagedSpringVersion" global setting (add engine auto-management using GitHub releases + remove obsolete "maintenance" branch support) 0.7.0: new global settings: lobbyTls, bansData, mapInfoCacheData, savedBoxesData, trustedLobbyCertificatesData, preferencesData, sharedDataRefreshDelay, sequentialUnitsync, majorityVoteMargin, awayVoteDelay add documentation regarding the fact that vote settings can be overridden in the commands configuration file (commands.conf) change default value of "springieEmulation" global setting from "warn" to "off" change the "colorSensitivity" setting type from global setting to preset setting 0.7.1: the "lobbyReconnectDelay" global setting now accepts a range for delay randomization 0.7.2: fix default value of map link settings in doc 0.7.3: update description of "autoManagedSpringVersion" global setting (add "unstable" engine release from GitHub) 0.7.4: add new placeholders for "promoteMsg" global setting ("%P": number of players in battle, "%S": number of spectators in battle, "%U": total number of users in battle) 0.7.5: new engine version auto-management functionalities (multi-branch GitHub release tags, Recoil engine shortcut and BAR rolling releases) 0.7.6: remove Springie emulation mode (deprecated) =============== 91.0a: first public version, based on Spring 91 unitsync API header file (Windows) 91.0b: remove functions obsolete in Spring 104+ 91.0c: localize variable $_ (improve AnyEvent stability) 91.0d: improve handling of Windows error messages (support more error codes) 106.0a: restore compatibility with all unitsync versions import requested unitsync functions only, on the fly use FFI::Platypus instead of SWIG pre-compiled wrappers (Linux) 106.0b: change to object-oriented model for multiple simultaneous unitsync libraries support add optional libstdc++ preload to workaround conflicts with versions statically linked in unitsync when multiple libraries are loaded simultaneously ======== 0.0.3: first public version (beta) 0.0.4a: fix disconnection from lobby server when adding 2 start boxes for same team 0.0.4b: fix "!list users" output for filter values of "0" 0.0.4c: add component SpadsUpdate can now print messages on standard output !exit added to Springie emulated commands 0.0.4d: fix minor autoBalance and autoFixColors bug when autoBlock* settings were activated 0.1.0: new functionnality: load a preset automatically when a map is changed new functionnality: prevent starting a game with too few players add an explicit message when teams are "auto-blocked" and someone tries to use "!force team/id ..." commands add auto-update version in !version output 0.1.0a: map rotation now also auto-loads map presets when autoLoadMapPreset is activated 0.1.0b: improve vote messages for away-vote mode make auto-balance works when there is less players than nbTeams (for advanced auto-balance mode with FFA) add current mod and map to !status output 0.1.0c: !exit is now an alias for "!stop" only, instead of possibly "!callvote stop" when autoCallVote is enabled (springie emulation) 0.1.0d: fix perm bans with reason (it wasn't possible to add a permanent ban when setting a ban reason) 0.1.1: if needed, the latest players who joined are automatically set as spectators on nbTeams or nbPlayerById settings change decrease verbosity of master channel messages improve force-spec and bot-kicking messages for autoSpecExtraPlayers functionnality in FFA mode (teamSize=1) 0.1.1a: fix autoSpecExtraPlayers behaviour on nbTeams or nbPlayerById change 0.1.1b: when autoLoadMapPreset is enabled and no map preset is found for a map, the "_DEFAULT_.smf" preset is loaded instead if available 0.1.1c: it is now possible to make SPADS join passworded channels by adding the password after the channel name 0.1.1d: fix for passworded channels 0.1.1e: improve auto-update information in !version output 0.2.0: new commands: !mapLink, !nextMap, !nextPreset, !update (commands.conf must be updated, refer to configuration templates for default rights) %a can now be used in welcomeMsg setting for map link url 0.2.0a: fix !exit alias (springie emulation) 0.2.0b: do not show mapLink in "!list settings" 0.2.0c: remove welcomeMsgInGame from "!list settings" output too 0.2.1: preset auto-rotation (and map auto-rotation when using map presets) is no longer allowed to auto-load a preset that would force players to spec it is now possible to apply another filter on current map list to select specific maps used for auto-rotation prevent starting with already in-game players (but spectators sync and in-game status are now ignored) auto-force start when only unsynced or already in-game spectators are missing auto-cancel a forceStart vote when game starts added an optional parameter to "!map list" command to filter maps !status output improved: "Not connected" is now used when a player hasn't connected yet, and current vote status is printed if a vote is in progress end-game message now contains game duration fix command parsing (when severall spaces are added between command and parameters) fix minor bug in vote status output use more explicit force-spec messages (explains how to change the teamSize value) 0.2.2: fix map rotation when using sub-maplists fix detection of preset compatibility with current number of players (auto-rotation) print the in-game ratio in !hostStats output "!list settings", "!list hSettings" and "!list bSettings" now print the modifiable settings only (add "all" parameter to see all settings) 0.2.2a: map preset rotation optimized CPU model is now printed in !hostStats output if available use explicit messages when rotation cannot be achieved when only modifiable settings are listed with !list command, it is made explicit in output heading improve debug message for auto-rotation 0.2.2b: fix bug in in-game ratio calculation show "map" setting in "!list settings" output make force-spec messages shorter print more detailed info in !status output 0.2.2c: fix minor !status output formatting problem take current battle into account to compute in-game ratio 0.2.2d: when listing modifiable settings only (default "!list settings" output), explain how to list all settings 0.2.2e: fix "Argument isn't numeric in addition (+) at ./ line 247" message 0.2.2f: add OS and RAM amount in !hostStats output improve force spec/kick bot messages (they must fit on 1 line at client side to avoid spaming) 0.2.2g: fix restart with macros containg spaces 0.3.0: new command aliases: "!spec " and "!cv " (commands.conf must be updated, refer to templates) command alias management refactored (it is now possible to call a vote for a command which is an alias) the battle lobby chat can now be auto-forwarded into game without requiring "!say" (new setting "forwardLobbyToGame") it is now possible to allow "! " syntax instead of "![hbp]set " (new setting "allowSettingsShortcut") same for "!" instead of "!list " (example: "!presets" instead of "!list presets") prevent perl error when configuration cannot be loaded print the account total in-game time in !hostStats output 0.3.0a: fix game chat duplication when forwardLobbyToGame is on 0.3.0b: fix auto-force start checks 0.3.0c: fix startPosType detection for auto-force start 0.3.1: avoid automatic map rotation when battle is empty and a game is running refactored !status output (made more generic): new status ("Loading") and new field for Spring detailed version ("Version") 0.3.1a: fix !send command 0.3.1b: typo (fix "Use of uninitialized value in numeric ne (!=) at ./ line [5634|5678]" messages) 0.3.2: update startscript format ("Gametype" is now set to Mod name instead of archive name, and "MyPlayerName" and "IsHost" tags are now generated) system uptime added in !hostStats output status of players who disconnected before finishing loading Spring is now shown correctly in !status output (spring-dedicated bug workaround) 0.3.2a: fix crashes when invalid regexp are used in SPADS commands 0.4.0: new command: !boss - reduces rights of people whose access level is insufficient to execute !boss new command: !cheat - provides various ways of using cheat commands (commands.conf must be updated, refer to configuration templates) new alert system: sends private messages to admins when recoverable errors occur (new settings: alertLevel, alertDelay, alertDuration) workaround for spring-dedicated premature end (when process dies before SERVER_QUIT is received on AutoHost interface) mod specific sides are now used instead of hard-coded ARM/CORE colorSensitivity for fixColors functionnality is now configurable (new global setting: colorSensitivity) callvote messages are now printed on 2 lines instead of 1 (they were too long to fit on 1 line at client side anyway) minor away-vote mode changes: away-votes are now triggered after 20 seconds instead of 10, and vote state is printed after away-votes when a game is in progress (server is running AND game has started), !ring doesn't ring anyone if no vote is in progress check game is running for !say and !send commands when boss mode is enabled, bosses are listed in !status output 0.4.0a: prevent adding start boxes when startpostype != 2 remove unneeded special cases for "disabledunits" battle setting handling 0.4.1: full generic mod options support through unitsync (mod options no longer need to be defined in battle presets to be modifiable) "!help bset " syntax added for battle settings help (global and hosting settings help will come later) format of logged game chat messages has changed (whispered messages are now logged correctly) add feedback when "set" commands are issued in private (messages were only sent in battle and masterChannel) 0.4.1a: add hint about "!help bSet " command in "!list bSettings" output 0.4.2: it is now possible to use a regexp in the "modName" hosting setting with syntax "~", for instance: "modName:~Balanced Annihilation V\d+\.\d+" (it automatically chooses the latest mod matching the regexp each time the "modName" hosting setting changes or !loadArchive command is called) add support for configuration reload without altering current settings values ("!reloadConf keepSettings") !voteboss alias added for springieEmulation mode a mark is added after the default preset in "!list presets" output 0.4.2a: when a regexp is used for "modName" hosting setting, the real mod name is showed in "!list hSettings" output instead of the regexp 0.4.2b: backport of fix 0.5.0c 0.5.0: archives can now be reloaded automatically, based on archive directories modification times (new global setting "autoReloadArchivesMinDelay") the new preset setting "allowModOptionsValues" specifies if mod options undefined in current battle preset can be modified "resetmodoptions" battle setting added, it determines if modoptions are reset to default mod values before loading the battle preset new command: !rebalance - re-balances teams (it changes the random seed before balancing, whereas !balance always balances the same way) broadcast a message when !stop command is used, so that it cannot be hidden when executed in private 0.5.0a: correct random seed generation for 32-bit systems 0.5.0b: if a quit, restart, close battle, or rehost is scheduled, it is now shown in !status output if some pending settings need rehosting to be applied, it is also shown in !status output 0.5.0c: fix disconnection from lobby server when trying to remove a non-existing start box 0.6.0: ghost map hosting: it is now possible to host a map in "Choose start position" mode without having it on the server if "allowGhostMaps" is set to 1 (new preset setting) new command: !learnMaps - learn map hashes from other hosted battles so that it's possible to host them in ghost map mode maps can be auto-learned for ghost map hosting if the new global setting "autoLearnMaps" is set to 1 refactored "!list maps" output for ghost maps prevent setting start boxes with split command when startpostype != 2 0.6.1: it is now possible to launch SPADS without any map (but at least the default map must have been "learned" before) fix "wrong option type" errors in unitsync.log improve output flood protection (prevent filling network buffer) "vote*" springie emulated commands always call a vote, even if the user has sufficient rights to execute the command directly log command execution start/end in debug messages do not send "!list maps" result when more than 200 maps match the search 0.6.2: refactor loading users handling (it is now performed in PerlAutoHostInterface module and should fix some errors in spads.log) 0.6.2a: when a user has insufficient rights to execute a command due to boss mode, explain it in deny message output a message when map boxes are saved successfully with !saveBoxes command 0.6.2b: log battle join/leave for the AutoHost too (not only for players) in battle.log if logBattleJoinLeave is set to 1 0.6.2c: do not answer to invalid commands sent on master channel (this command could be handled by another bot) dump preferences and learned map hashes on configuration reload fix !update output not showing due to output flood protection changes introduced in 0.6.1 0.6.2d: fix battle leave message never showing for AutoHost 0.6.2e: fix SPADS auto-forcing start when players connected but didn't finish loading 0.6.2f: dump dynamic data before reloading configuration on !reloadConf call, not after... 0.6.2g: take ghost maps into account when computing the map list of a map preset 0.6.2h: download settings help file 0.7.0: experimental Windows support when the lobby server doesn't require a specific Spring version, Unitsync Spring version is used for ghost map hosting (not "*") new global setting: autoUpdateBinaries (for Linux/UNIX: only "no" is allowed; for Windows: "yes", "unitsync", "server" and "no" are allowed) new preference: "password" (for AutoHost level authentication) new command: !chpasswd - (re)init a user password for AutoHost level authentication new command: !auth - authenticate to the AutoHost with the "password" preference new "auth" field in users.conf (if set to "1", the user must authenticate himself when the lobby server is running in LAN mode) the !pSet command now requires AutoHost level authentication if the lobby server is running in LAN mode when connecting to a lobby server running in LAN mode, recommend using AutoHost level authentication through notice messages 0.7.1: optional parameters added for !reloadConf and !restart commands to (re)define configuration macros dynamically refactor command line arguments parsing and "exec" calls to avoid shell commands injection in new !reloadConf/!restart optional parameters send ping messages during Spring archives reloads (should avoid timeout on servers with a lot of maps and low RAM) keep trying to reconnect to lobby server when disconnected due to join flood protection 0.7.1a: disable pending auto-force checks when game start has been forced manually 0.7.1b: fix minor bugs when SPADS is disconnected from lobby server while players are in the battle lobby 0.7.2: TASClient and SpringLobby suggestion messages are now processed as SPADS commands so that it's possible to use the GUI instead of typing commands 0.7.2a: fix error message when trying to lock a battle already locked 0.7.2b: do not learn null map hashes 0.7.2c: fix restart on Windows when installation path contains spaces download settings help file 0.7.3: all settings help is now available through !help command (!help set , !help hSet , ...) 0.7.4: SPADS HTML doc can now be generated by adding "--doc" to the command line 0.7.4a: fix repository location (planetspring -> planetspads) 0.7.4b: battle is now auto-closed when Unitsync version doesn't match the required version on lobby server 0.7.4c: SPADS no longer installs/updates/uses its own unitsync.dll (Windows) [backport of 0.8.2d] 0.8.0: user data rentention ability: SPADS can now maintain locally a persistent cache of all Spring accounts (names, ranks, ips ...) new command: !chrank - alters the rank used by SPADS for a specific user when auto-balancing new command: !coop (alias for "!pSet shareId") new command: !kickBan - kicks a user and ban him temporarily new command: !searchUser - gives information about all known users matching filter (requires user data retention) new command: !smurfs - tries to identify all smurfs accounts of a user (requires user data retention) new command: !specAfk - specs all unreay AFK players new commands: !banIp, !banIps, !unbanIp, !unbanIps - ban/unban by IP (requires user data retention) broadcast a message when a new version of current mod is found locally (requires archive auto-reload) extra box management to save map boxes of special game types (King of the Hill ...) it is now possible to detect smurfs and use their real ranks when auto-balancing (requires user data retention) several ID share modes are now available through new "idShareMode" preset setting and "shareId" preference (coop mode compatibility) known IPs are now shown in "!status" and "!list bans" output, according to new "minLevelForIpAddr" global setting (requires user data retention) TASClient and SpringLobby suggestion messages processing (added in SPADS 0.7.2) is now optional (new preference \"handleSuggestions\") 0.8.1: the "idShareMode" preset setting can now be set to "clan" for clan coop by default improved "!list settings/hSettings/bSettings/pref", "!smurfs" and "!coop" outputs fixed a bug where SPADS could crash instead of restarting when a game just finished and battle was empty 0.8.1a: added "extra" optional parameter for !clearBox command, to remove all extra boxes (boxes whose number is greater than current number of teams) 0.8.1b: fix !specAfk not detecting away players correctly 0.8.1c: fix repository location (planetspring -> planetspads) 0.8.1d: fix on Windows: starts spring-dedicated.exe from Spring install dir so all DLLs dependencies shoud be found 0.8.1e: battle is now auto-closed when Unitsync version doesn't match the required version on lobby server 0.8.1f: SPADS no longer installs/updates/uses its own unitsync.dll (Windows) [backport of 0.8.2d] 0.8.2: lobby connection stability improved (do not rely on PONG messages only to detect timeouts) send ping messages during dynamic data dump (should avoid timeout with heavy user data retention and low RAM) workaround for ghost connection issue on lobby server improved an error is now logged when an account for which Spring Lobby agreement hasn't been accepted is used (instead of failing silently) use unsigned map hashes only in startscript (should fix sync issues at game server connection step with some ghost maps) fix the "!cv smurfs" trick that allowed users to call "!smurfs" directly the "new mod version detected" message is no longer triggered when manually changing the mod fix the "Cancelling forceStart vote" message being printed when not needed 0.8.2a: the "new mod version detected" message is no longer triggered when the mod is changed during a configuration reload 0.8.2b: when reloading archives, do not perform full scan of mods whose checksum didn't change (decrease reload time a lot!) do not count internal computation time for timeout detection 0.8.2c: "contrib" release type added (contains external unchecked patches) 0.8.2d: SPADS no longer installs/updates/uses its own unitsync.dll (Windows) 0.8.2e: when a game is running, clients IP address and port are shown in "!status" output 0.8.2f: avoid unitsync re-inits during Spring archives load (use "RemoveAllArchives" unitsync function instead) the "!smurfs" command without parameter now performs smurf detection on all players in battle lobby ranks and effective ranks are now available for privileged users (those who can run !chrank) in "!status" output fix wrong spectator being kicked on some circunstances when enforcing "maxSpecs" setting 0.8.2g: allow starting games with more than 32 clients (engine can now manage 250 clients) spring-dedicated.exe output is now redirected into spring-dedicated.log log file (Windows only) 0.8.2h: provide the 'a' compatibility flag when logging on lobby server to receive accountIds 0.8.2i: fix ip-ban dodging 0.8.2j: battle is auto-closed when Unitsync version doesn't match the required version on lobby server 0.8.2k: spring-dedictated.exe can now be installed in a path containing spaces (Windows) 0.8.3: accountIds can now be used for ban and access level filters accountIds bans are now default ban types instead of username bans (for !ban, !kickban, auto-bans on flood...) it is now possible to ban by IP even if userDataRetention is disabled (nat traversal must be used and user must be in battle when !banip is called) accountIds are now shown in !status output 0.8.4: added support for JOINBATTLEREQUEST/JOINBATTLEACCEPT/JOINBATTLEDENY requests for true battle ban instead of auto-kick preferences are now indexed by AccountId if available, username else (old format preferences are automatically imported) teams are now automatically rebalanced after each game even if players are the same fix port being shown for spectators in "IP" field of !status output when game is running "/me" type battle messages are now also checked for message flood protection (not just command flood protection) 0.8.4a: only allow !chrank and !chpasswd to be applied on users whose accountId is known (preferences are now indexed by account ID instead of user name) 0.8.4b: it is now possible to use time units in ban durations ("y": year, "m": month, "w": week, "d": day, "h": hour), default unit is still minutes ban reasons containing '|' or ':' are now rejected with an error message (these bans aren't persistent after a restart) unlockSpec command is now forbidden for banned users (they would be auto-kicked when joining anyway) 0.8.4c: NAT traversal is no longer required to get IP of players joining the battle if lobby server supports JOINBATTLEREQUEST message 0.8.4d: spring-dedictated.exe can now be installed in a path containing spaces (Windows) 0.9.0: IRC-style colors can now be used by SPADS to improve output in private messages (new preference "ircColors") alternate fork method using Win32 processes is now available on Windows (new setting "useWin32Process") new command !sendLobby to make SPADS send specific commands to lobby server new command !whois to list detailed information about an account (requires user data retention) new alert 'SPR-001' when spring-dedicated crashes it is now possible to configure the auto-stop-game conditions (new setting "autoStop") alerts are now automatically acknowledged when problem disappears battle is now autolocked when both maximum number of players and spectators are reached new authenticated states (cf users.conf): 0 => unauthenticated, 1 => authenticated by lobby server only, 2 => authenticated by autohost preference shortcuts have higher priority than setting shortcuts (=>"!shareId test" now changes "shareId" preference instead of "shareId" setting) it is now possible to set a minimum vote participation to allow a vote to pass (new "minVoteParticipation" setting) SPADS can now use the new "clan" preference to balance clans, depending on new "clanMode" setting value (thresholds can be set to avoid stacked teams) unbalance indicator (relative standard deviation of estimated skills) is now printed in !balance/!rebalance outputs accountIds are now used to index persistent user data (user data retention), which is much more efficient and makes it possible to track renames new settings "noSpecDraw" and "noSpecChat" to respectively prevent spectators from drawing and chatting with players it is now possible to reference users by accountId using "#" syntax for !smurfs,!ban,!unban,!banIp,!unbanIp,!banIps,unbanIps commands user data retention is now automatically disabled when lobby server is running in LAN mode, to prevent storing fake data user data retention statistics are now printed in !hostStats output it is now possible to search users by IP mask for privileged users ("!searchUser @" syntax) configurable behaviour when Unitsync version doesn't match required version on lobby server: quit, close battle... (new "onBadSpringVersion" setting) privileged users can now join as spectator even if maxSpecs is already reached (new "maxSpecsImmuneLevel" setting) optionnal in-game player spoofing protection (new "spoofProtection" preference) a warning is now printed if SPADS is running as root on non-windows systems fix in-game IP format in !status output on Windows systems 0.9.1: prints a warning if bot flag isn't set for the lobby account used by SPADS improve behaviour when battle lobby is locked both manually and automatically 0.9.2: management of new rank ("Ghost") added ability to auto-quit/restart when only spectators are in the battle workaround for corrupted ranks in user data retention 0.9.2a: learn map hashes from demos too (as side effect, should avoid some crashes due to uberserver bugs...) 0.9.3: fix compatibility with UnitSync 0.82.2 (map names no longer contain ".smf" extension) add dynamic in-game user management through "/adduser" Spring command 0.9.3a: remove auto-update of obsolete springserver dynamic library (Windows) 0.9.3a1: report of 0.9.4a in stable release 0.9.3b: add 'sp' compatibility flag in LOGIN command to receive start script passwords 0.9.4: try the rename method when updating a module in use (Windows) "%M" is now allowed in mapLink preset setting (map archive name) improve vote system (wait for minVoteParticipation to be reached even when there only remains "away" voters) new autoSaveBoxes value allowed: "2" (auto-save map boxes only if there is no start box saved for this map yet) 0.9.4a: split SETSCRIPTTAGS and DISABLEUNITS commands to stay below the server command size limit (1024) 0.9.4b: fix minor bug in "!list bans" output handle midgame joiners in !status output fix total in-game time retrieving for uberserver use quit messages when exiting/restarting fix auto-stop not working properly when all players quit before game start 0.9.5: it is now possible to specify allowed values for each setting listed in "freeSettings", so that other values still require vote ranks taken into account by SPADS for balancing are now shown to regular users too in !status and !whois outputs fix for in-game player spoofing protection and in-game IP ban with Spring >= 0.82.3 in-game IPs of players using start script passwords are now also stored for userDataRetention 0.9.5a: do not load UnitSync module when a restart for update is needed at startup (makes it possible to switch from Perl 5.10 to 5.12 easily on Windows) print Perl version in !version output 0.9.5b: fix CWD for UnitSync module according to change in 0.9.5a (Windows only) 0.9.6: heavy refactor to prepare database interface for dynamic data 0.9.6a: workaround for UPDATEBATTLEINFO commands where map name is missing (uberserver bug?) 0.9.7: added chicken-specific balancing mode when nbTeams is set to 1 clan tags are now handled separately from clan preferences players using clan preferences are now shown in !status output 0.9.7a: fix for new syntax of unitsync Init function 0.9.8: new "idShareMode" value allowed: "off" (workaround for 16 IDs max lobby limitation: it totally disables shared IDs, disregarding what is set in battle lobby) automatic balancing improved for big battles (32 players limit removed, warning message added when current battle can't be balanced automatically due to lobby limitations) !nextMap and !nextPreset now use the same rotation mode as rotationEndGame (if end game rotation is disabled, "random" is still used as previously) fix "order" map rotation mode not following order of map list filters it is now possible to set "map" setting to an empty value in configuration files to use the first map of current map list improved clan preference presentation in !status output (the real value is now shown for your own clan preference) workaround for invalid CLIENTSTATUS commands sent by uberserver (avoid user data corruption) 0.9.8a: fix colors being the same for players having same ID in lobby when idShareMode=off improve color fixing system to manage more colors 0.9.9: added support for map options battle settings management optimized to limit data sent to server 0.9.9a: welcome message system improved: battle private messages are now possible to avoid spaming battle lobby (uberserver only), and multi-lines messages support added fixed spaces management in !sendLobby command 0.9.9b: fix bug introduced in 0.9.6 when searching users by IP 0.9.9c: fix workaround for ghost connection issue on lobby server (message changed in uberserver) 0.9.9d: reconnect to lobby server when SPADS is unable to send messages through lobby socket 0.9.9e: fix broken connection detection 0.9.9f: it is now possible to show time elapsed since game start directly in welcome messages 0.9.9g: !ring now also rings unsynced players, even when they are ready 0.9.9h: battle is now unlocked when maxPlayers player count is reached (but not maxSpecs), even if autolock is enabled, because lobby server will autospec additional players anyway fixed bug where players joining a game in progress which hasn't started yet were ringed as if they were unready players Ignore inconsistent CLIENTBATTLESTATUS commands at SPADS kernel level too (was only ignored in lobby interface module) 0.9.9i: fix for a very rare bug which happens when a game ends while a reconnection to lobby server is in progress 0.9.10: spring-headless is now auto-downloaded/updated (Windows only) minor ring message change 0.9.10a: workaround for inconsistent ADDUSER messages (uberserver bug) 0.9.10b: compute IP rank correctly even if a player is tagged as bot in lobby (was considered as lowest rank before) 0.9.10c: restore original unitsync Init function syntax (revert 0.9.7a) prevent learning bad map hashes from battles using different engine version ("[engineXXX]" tag in battle name) 0.9.10d: handle new spring version scheme 0.9.10e: real Spring internal IDs and team IDs are now shown in game status (previously lobby ones were shown, as in battle status) winning players are now identified from client game over messages and printed in battle room at end of game (inconsistent results are discarded as much as possible) 0.9.10f: fix wrong identification of winning players 0.10.0: it is now possible to join a game in progress as player using new !joinAs command a minimum autohost access level can be required for direct midgame join as spectator (new setting "midGameSpecLevel") SPADS should now be fully compatible with spring-headless, with optional specific spring settings file (new settings "springServerType" and "springConfig") when using spring-headless, local AI bots can be (auto)added (new commands !addBot/!removeBot, and new settings "maxLocalBots", "autoAddBotNb", "localBots", "allowedLocalAIs") the !force command can now be used for local AI bots too an external program can now be executed at each game end, to handle demo files for instance (new settings "endGameCommand" and "endGameCommandEnv") multiple channels can now be specified for basic game status reports (new "broadcastChannels" setting), the "masterChannel" is now only used to receive commands the order in which SPADS fills the teams during TeamFFA autobalancing is now configurable (new setting "minTeamSize") new advert system to broadcast messages in battle lobby regularly (new settings "advertMsg" and "advertDelay", and new command !advert) battle lobby flood protection system improved (new setting "statusFloodAutoKick", and setting "msgFloodAutoBan" renamed to "kickFloodAutoBan") battle lobby flood protection data are now purged regularly (this could have caused a very minor memory leak previously) the !bKick, !boss, !cKick, !force, !gKick and !kick commands now refuse to execute in case of ambiguous parameters the !kickBan command now accepts substrings of player name as parameter instead of exact player names (but it refuses to execute if the substring is ambiguous) improved "chicken" balancing mode (now also works with > 16 IDs) a specific map link is now used for ghost maps (new "ghostMapLink" setting) the "games" folder is now also monitored for Spring archives auto-reload a new setting "forceHostIp" has been added as workaround for systems having IPv6 problems with Spring map options undefined in current battle preset can now be set as modifiable or not (new setting "allowMapOptionsValues", works the same way as "allowModOptionsValues") it is now possible to manually load saved startboxes using new !loadBoxes command the !nextMap and !nextPreset commands now follow the "rotationManual" setting value (new setting) instead of using the "rotationEndGame" one improved error message when failing to load Perl Unitsync module removed the deprecated unitsync functions calls 0.10.1: improved bot information in !status output disabled auto-force start when AI bots are used 0.10.1a: do not try to add players already declared in startscript at start of game 0.10.2: timed events refactored in subfunctions better management of spectator kicking when maxSpecs value is changed 0.10.2a: fix ifconfig path for Gentoo 0.10.2b: for now %demoName and %gameId are replaced by "UNKNOWN" in endGameCommand and endGameCommandEnv preset settings (will be fixed when Spring 89 is out) fix minTeamSize behaviour 0.10.2c: do not store IP address of IRC bridge users (they all share same IRC bridge IP address which produces false positives in smurf detection) truncate long values in !list results to avoid badly formatted arrays fix auto-balance with minTeamSize != 1 0.10.3: it is now possible to print customizable messages after each end-game command execution (new setting: endGameCommandMsg) the actual playing time (not taking into account the time spent waiting for ready players in game) is now used for end game rotation delay 0.10.4: and python scripts added to SPADS repository (replay auto-upload system) end game command is now executed when Spring server process actually ends (previously it was executed on SERVERQUIT message) implemented fallback method to retrieve game ID and demo name from infolog.txt (for headless and pre-engine version 89 cases) added a few placeholders for end game command settings (startPlayingTimestamp, endPlayingTimestamp, gameDuration) automatic rotation when empty now also works when only bots are in battle 0.10.4a: allow multiple exit codes in endGameCommandMsg definitions 0.10.5: awards based on team statistics can now be printed when games end (new setting: endGameAwards) it is now possible to see statistics for last game (new command !stats) channels where battle is promoted when !promote command is used are now printed game data reports are now sent over lobby for historization 0.10.5a: fix maxChatMessageLength behaviour to be consistent with uberserver (should fix bad GDRs) improve error message when !stats is called while game is running 0.10.5b: only send GDRs if the GDR bot was online on game start (else it will be discarded anyway) fix vote status message missing when required numnber of yes or no votes is reached but not minimum vote participation 0.10.6: fix vote participation percentages in vote status messages when rankMode is set to IP, rankMode of other accounts sharing same IP are also checked to inherit from highest "chrank" value prevent learning bad map hashes from battles using different engine version ("Incompatible" tag in battle name) make "domination" tag harder to get for micro award 0.10.6a: workaround for Ctrl-M at end of line in GDRs (uberserver removes them) 0.10.6b: do not include chicken-type AI bots in end game awards game duration is now computed even in case of unfinished game (GDRs and end game data) 0.10.6c: minor award message change try to show real IP address when a player is using IRC bridge 0.10.6d: show real IP address for spectators using IRC bridge also 0.10.6e: fixed 2 minor bugs (!pass command and noSpecChat setting) which could lead to invalid GDR data 0.10.6f: prevent games to be launched manually with !start when autoBalance is enabled and battle hasn't been balanced yet check format of IP addresses coming from uberserver (IRC bridge bug) removed obsolete IRC bridge specific handling 0.10.6g: added parameter "rotationMaps" to "list" command (show maps of current rotation map list) log levels are now dynamic (changes are taken into account when reloading configuration files) minor fix in logging message 0.11.0: new dynamic plugin interface, with shared variables, callbacks, helper functions and proxy variables/functions implemented in new SpadsPluginHelper module new built-in player skill management based on TrueSkill ranking algorithm and asynchronous communications with SLDB (new preference: skillMode) commands rights granularity improved (new player status: "playing", for players actually playing currently) improved command alias management (aliases don't need to be declared in commands.conf anymore, the requirements of the real command are used) modified vote status messages to make remaining required votes clearer balance operations can now be delayed if skill isn't available for all players yet the new speedControl preset setting can now be used to configure automatic game speed adjustement based on players CPU usages command !list extended with 2 new parameters for plugins: "plugins" to list currently loaded plugins, and "pSettings" to list plugin settings new command !plugin to load/reload/unload/configure plugins dynamically modified status output management to make it easier for plugins to add custom data current game type is now printed in !status output (corresponding TrueSkill ranking data are used if skillMode is set to TrueSkill) !version now also prints the versions of the plugins currently loaded 0.11.0a: allow receiving negative skill values 0.11.0b: added plugin callback to balance battle modified warning on unknown skill ("unknown account" -> "unrated account") minor code cleanup (removed unused return value) 0.11.0c: fix bug introduced in 0.11.0b which prevented retrieving TrueSkill for first player joining battle 0.11.0d: minor fix in balancing algo to handle negative skills 0.11.1: "rank" has been renamed to "skill" in balanceMode setting values ("skill","clan;skill") "updateAliases" plugin callback has been renamed to "updateCmdAliases" 0.11.1a: renamed SpadsPluginHelper to SpadsPluginApi 0.11.2: allow disconnected players who didn't lose yet to reconnect to the battle lobby even if the battle is full, so that they can rejoin the game improve !status output for TrueSkill, with privacy preference management 0.11.2a: rank and skill are now also shown for bots in !status output (based on "botsRank" global setting) unrated accounts are no longer considered as degraded mode regarding TrueSkill retrieving 0.11.3: add the access level of the user issuing the !status command to updateStatusInfo plugin callback improve !status output again regarding rounded skills (new privacy setting value: 2, for full privacy mode) 0.11.3a: make full SPADS configuration shared with plugins yet another try to improve vote messages 0.11.4: votes are now automatically cancelled when the same command is executed directly (this was only enabled for !forceStart command before) support for generic process forking new plugin event callback "onGameEnd" renammed "updateSkill" plugin callback to "updatePlayerSkill" updatePlayerSkill plugin callback now returns a scalar value 0.11.5: new bans are now applied on the fly when changing banList or preset (this should fix inconsistent states where newly banned players were only kicked when joining game) new plugin event callback "onJoinBattleRequest" 0.11.5a: improved minVoteParticipation management 0.11.5b: fix plugin preset settings being unavailable from plugin constructor of manually loaded plugins fix plugins loaded manually losing their configuration on !reloadConf fix minor bug in plugin settings shortcuts check fix minor bug in "!list pSettings" output 0.11.6: separated UPD-001 alert into 3 more specific alerts UPD-001/UPD-002/UPD-003 refactored child processes exit codes handling and added support for exit triggered by signal and core dump detection handle new spring-dedicated exit code (-1 => desync detected during game) instead of treating it as a crash avoid printing vote status message when vote is passing thanks to new minVoteParticipation management fix plugin event callback "onJoinBattleRequest" showing warning when the plugin returns a deny reason 0.11.6a: fix Perl warnings (Use of uninitialized value) when a vote is called while SPADS is disconnected from lobby fix lobby interface warning (Replacing an existing REDIRECT callback for priority "main") when failing to reconnect to lobby server 0.11.7: use REMOVESCRIPTTAGS command to remove mapoptions on map change now that it is implemented in uberserver players skills used for balancing are now broadcasted in battle lobby using "game/players//skill" script tags players skills used for balancing are now written in start scripts ( [GAME] -> [PLAYER] -> Skill ) and thus accessible from LUA scripts 0.11.7a: the "packages" folder is now also monitored for Spring archives auto-reload (rapid) fix small variable scope mistake in kickBan handling which could prevent it to work when the banned player is in game but not in lobby prevent games to be launched manually with !start when autoFixColors is enabled and colors haven't been fixed yet 0.11.7b: prevent executing !unlockSpec command if the player is already in the battle (this case was handled by commands.conf previously) 0.11.7c: add "hosttype" script tag to let lobby clients know what type of host they are in 0.11.7d: use new SpeedControl range (1-2) 0.11.8: the skill uncertainty is now shown in !status output as one or severall '?' after skill values 0.11.8a: adjusted the uncertainty threshold for '?' in !status output (almost all players had a '?' previously) 0.11.9: players skill uncertainties are now broadcasted in battle lobby using "game/players//skilluncertainty" script tags players skill uncertainties are now written in start scripts ( [GAME] -> [PLAYER] -> SkillUncertainty ) and thus accessible from LUA scripts 0.11.10: added support for multi-engine lobby protocol extension (automatically enabled when unitsync Spring version doesn't match lobby server default Spring version) new plugin event callbacks "onVoteRequest,postSpadsCommand,preSpadsCommand" new plugin customization callback "filterRotationMaps" IDs are now assigned to players in descending skill order also when idShareMode is set to manual removed warning messages when trying to learn maps from hosts not using map hashes 0.11.10a: changed lobby connection timeout detection algorithm (should be less intensive on PING command usage) increased lobby timeout from 30s to 1min (should save some disconnections from lobby server, but require more time to detect server downtimes...) 0.11.10b: use multi-engine protocol extension silently if lobby server does not broadcast any default engine version 0.11.11: improved handling of special characters in GDRs PerlLobbyInterface and PerlAutoHostInterface renamed respectively to SpringLobbyInterface and SpringAutoHostInterface removed obsolete Springie-ELO retrieving code 0.11.11a: minor improvement for PING command when lobby server is unresponsive 0.11.11b: changed rank <-> TrueSkill mapping to be consistent with SLDB initialization values (only impacts unrated players) escape '!' character in GDRs 0.11.12: distinguish undecided games (= aborted games) from draw games (= tie games) 0.11.12a: do not request skill when accountId is 0 (uberserver bug) remove temporary getSkill interface version number 0.11.12b: workaround for bugged unitsync interface on 32-bit Linux systems 0.11.12c: the "mods" folder is no longer monitored for Spring archives auto-reload make Spring 95 behave like previous versions concerning writable data directory location 0.11.13: remove old IRC bridge handling cache Spring version returned by Unitsync use Spring version dependent packages auto-update (Windows) 0.11.13a: use ANSI colors on Windows too 0.11.14: new plugin customization callbacks "addStartScriptTags,changeUserAccessLevel,forceCpuSpeedValue" 0.11.14a: fix cpu not shown in !hostStats output 0.11.14b: handle "!map" (with no parameter) as "!nextMap" 0.11.15: new plugin dependencies system battle context and players defeat times are now stored in end game data and available for plugins springServerType is now shared with plugins do not count UPDATEBOT lobby commands in lobby status flood checks minor fix in plugin customization callback "forceCpuSpeedValue" fix typo in plugin skill management (plugin skills were appearing as unknown skill type) 0.11.16: map start positions are now also stored in map info cache file prevent starting a game using fixed or random start position types if there aren't enough start positions on the map 0.11.17: use new "cl" compatibility flag for multi-engine support (instead of the obsolete "eb" flag) allow Spring version string to contain special characters 0.11.18: improve vote system: players can now change their votes, and trying to call same vote as current vote is now handled as voting yes players skill classes are now written in start scripts ( [GAME] -> [PLAYER] -> skillclass ) and thus accessible from LUA scripts prevent starting a game using "Choose in game" start position type if no start box is set (!forceStart is now required in this case) use /kickbynum instead of /kick when kicking players from game (/kick is dangerous due to substring matching) disable workaround for bugged noSpecDraw behavior if Spring version is > 95 (behavior was reversed previously) remove old workaround used for backward compatibility with obsolete modules PerlLobbyInterface and PerlAutoHostInterface 0.11.19: new plugin customization callback "setMapStartBoxes" fix setting ranges and negative values handling print message in battle and game when a plugin setting is changed 0.11.20: new plugin customization callback "setInGameVoteMsg" 0.11.20a: minor fix for !autolock 0.11.20b: minor improvement in gameover detection 0.11.20c: allow plugins to customize lobby vote messages too ("setInGameVoteMsg" customization callback replaced by "setVoteMsg") 0.11.21: handle absolute file names sent by Spring 98 in SERVER_STARTPLAYING messages (should fix replay uploading) 0.11.21a: allow the player concerned by a !joinAs vote to end the vote with the !endVote command 0.11.22: use base64 encoding for GDRs 0.11.22a: always write hostIP in startscript (workaround for spring-dedicated hosting on localhost only by default since Spring 97) 0.11.23: GDRs and endGameData now contain a "cheating" entry which indicates if cheats have been enabled in the game 0.11.24: fix lobby server redirection add support for new port parameter in REDIRECT command 0.11.24a: add optional parameter for "!list bSettings" to filter map/mod/engine settings add parameter to "launchGame" function for configurable pre-launch check bypass 0.11.24b: fix "Use of uninitialized value" warnings on invalid !callVote usage 0.11.24c: use "ip" utility to retrieve LAN IPs if "ifconfig" isn't available (thanks gajop) 0.11.24d: onReloadConf plugin callback can now return 0 to indicate configuration reload failed 0.11.25: non-blocking sockets are now handled more generically in a shared structure, this allows plugins to add their own sockets 0.11.26: Spring read-write data directory is now set to SPADS var directory (for engine version 95 and newer only) remove obsolete code used for map info cache data migration 0.11.27: a lock file is now used to prevent several SPADS instances from using same varDir a PID file is now written in the varDir SpadsUpdater now uses a lock file to prevent race conditions instead of a basic flag file fixed SPADS not restarting correctly on Linux when launched by calling perl explicitely ("perl ...") all messages related to fatal events are now logged at CRITICAL log level (some of them were logged at ERROR log level previously) reordered initialization code and documentation generation code 0.11.27a: backport of 0.11.35a (download SimpleEvent module to prepare version 0.11.35) 0.11.28: !ban/!unban commands now also accept greater/less than (or equal to) notations in filters: >,<,>=,<= the user's autohost access level can now also be used as a ban filter in !ban command !ban/!banIp/!banIps commands now take an explicit ban type strings as parameter ("full","battle","spec") instead of ban type codes (numbers 0,1,2) !ban/!banIp/!banIps commands now also accept durations expressed in number of games the kickBanDuration global setting now also accepts durations expressed in number of games "!list bans" now shows ban entries identifiers (hashes) which can be used in !unban commands to remove specific bans easily minor improvements in "!list bans" output the !unban command now also accepts ban hashes as parameter to ease specific ban entry removal 0.11.28a: remove import of "any" function from List::Util (only available in recent Perl versions) use "//=" syntax instead of "if(defined ...)" 0.11.28b: homogenize quotes and use more efficient list searching functions 0.11.28c: replace unneeded regular expressions by classic string searches 0.11.29: new common aliases from CustomAliases plugin have been integrated into core (!ev,!h,!rc,!rck,!s,!sb,!su,!us,!w) it is now possible to list aliases with "!list aliases" and to filter settings in "!list settings/hSettings/bSettings/pSettings" output fix "." not matching all maps when calling !learnMaps with syntax "!learnMaps . " 0.11.30: skill based bans are now integrated in SPADS core new fields in banLists.conf file ("skill" and "skillUncert") the !ban/!unban commands now accept skill based bans (new filters: "skill" and "skillUncert") 0.11.30a: fix "Scalar value @currentVote{...} better written as ..." warnings printed by old Perl versions 0.11.30b: show SPADS version in "Initializing SPADS" log message 0.11.31: new plugin customization callback: "updateGameStatusInfo" fix duplicate IP field in !status output when plugins update player IP data in updateStatusInfo callback 0.11.31a: timestamps are automatically enabled and colors automatically disabled in STDOUT messages if SPADS output is redirected to a file 0.11.31b: Spring server output logging to /spring-.log should now be functional for all process spawning modes and all platforms SPADS now waits until Spring server process has fully exited before restarting Win32 processes no longer report wrong exit code each time a thread terminates (Windows) improve parameters escaping when restarting or launching sub-processes (Windows) reordered initialization code and documentation generation code minor cleanups and code factorizations 0.11.31c: make Spring directories management through environment variables consistent between Linux and Windows (auto-restart if needed) log unitsync errors when unitsync Init call fails simplify restart code 0.11.32: it is now possible to specify multiple Spring data directories through the "springDataDir" global setting the varDir is now also used by old Spring versions (< 96) as writable data directory 0.11.33: setting environment variables no longer requires a restart except for LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) the _putenv CRT function is now used to set environment variables so they can be seen by unitsync without restarting (Windows) clean up int32/uint32 casting code 0.11.33a: backport of 0.11.35a (download SimpleEvent module to prepare version 0.11.35) 0.11.34: factorize process and socket management code fix LAN IP addresses not detected when DHCP is used (Windows) fix misformatting of some Win32 error messages (Windows) 0.11.34b: backport of 0.11.35a (download SimpleEvent module to prepare version 0.11.35) 0.11.34a: fix error message when issuing !status in headless mode 0.11.35: use SimpleEvent module which brings AnyEvent support for multi event loop compatibility 0.11.35a: add SimpleEvent to the list of auto-updated modules 0.11.35b: unregister TERM signal when exiting 0.11.35c: fix players readied through LUA not detected as ready by SPADS 0.11.35d: minor fix in !version output for AnyEvent module 0.11.35e: show more detailed info for perl in !version output 0.11.35f: hide meaningless autohost account skill value in !status output when using headless server 0.11.35g: add 7zip binary to the list of packages 0.11.35h: sayChan function now accepts an undefined value as first argument, in this case it sends the message to the master channel plugin mandatory functions existence and required SPADS version are now checked before loading the module to avoid inconsistent module load state 0.11.36: replace Swig with Win32::API for unitsync library interface, which should make SPADS compatible with Strawberry Perl (Windows) remove the obsolete PerlUnitSync.dll library from the list of auto-updated binary packages (Windows) fix binary update workaround on Windows trying to update obsolete packages and resulting in fatal errors (Windows) 0.11.36a: check Win32::API module version at start (Windows) 0.11.36b: fix auto-force start not working when players are readied through LUA 0.11.37: default local AI bots color is now red instead of black local AI bots colors can now be configured (they have precedence over players colors regarding team colors auto-fixing) team colors auto-fixing is now only performed after auto-balancing to save useless force commands 0.11.38: new plugin event callback: preGameCheck 0.11.38a: allow plugins to prevent game start without generating a message in battle lobby 0.11.39: the "autoStop" preset setting can now contain a delay value to replace the 5 seconds default 0.11.39a: "step" parameters are now taken into account for number range map/modoptions improved handling of float numbers received through unitsync library 0.11.40: the "!force" command can now be used to force full battle balance in one command: "!force * (player1,player2)(player3,player4)..." 0.11.41: the "!force" command can now be used to give resource bonus 0.11.42: SPADS no longer fails to start when System Integrity Protection is enabled (macOS) !hostStats command is now fully functional (macOS) fix CPU speed and LAN IP address detection (macOS) 0.11.43: new allowed value for "endGameAwards" preset setting: "2" (enable end game awards for all games) 0.11.43a: reorder auto-update checks to avoid useless locks 0.11.44: the "minVoteParticipation" setting value can now depend on game runing state 0.11.45: improve resiliency against lobby server bugs 0.11.46: log Perl warnings through SPADS log system 0.11.46a: fix Perl modules include path (required for Perl releases which don't include current working directory in default include path) 0.11.46b: fix onBattleClosed plugin API callback being called too often 0.11.46c: minor code cleanup (factorize URI escaping code and remove unused variable) 0.11.46d: defer Spring archives loading to speed up SPADS restarts when auto-updating Spring binaries at start (Windows) minor improvements in startup logs 0.11.46e: presence of lobby accounts tagged as bots in battle lobby no longer blocks automatic default preset restoration and automatic preset/map rotation functionalities 0.11.46f: fix settings help formatting in HTML documentation 0.11.46g: refactor quit/restart handling code to fix minor issue with concurrent pending orders (an auto-restart for update no longer cancels a quit order for example) presence of lobby accounts tagged as bots in battle lobby no longer blocks automatic restart for update 0.11.46h: ignore bots for smurf detection 0.11.47: ignore "binDir" global setting and use SPADS script location directly (the binDir setting will be removed in next major SPADS release) do not retrieve the 7za binary on macOS refactor initialization code to prepare for Spring version auto-management 0.11.48: removed some SPADS functionalities due to unitsync backward compatibility breakage in Spring 104+ to restore compatibility number of start positions in map is no longer checked before launching a game with start position type set to fixed or random map width and height are no longer available for map filtering for example factorize some quit/restart code 0.11.49: the noSpecChat setting is now also honored for messages relayed between lobby and game 0.12.0: new functionality: Spring version auto-management (all Spring binaries can now be automatically downloaded and/or updated) Spring server binaries auto-update through SPADS packages manager is no longer possible on Windows (the new Spring version auto-management functionality must be used instead) SPADS event model now uses "AnyEvent" if available (it can be changed using the new global setting "eventModel" instead of the config macro hack) "instanceDir" global setting is now used instead of "varDir" to store all instance-specific dynamic data "minLevelForIpAddr" global setting renamed to "privacyTrustLevel" as it is used for privacy data in general, not only IP addresses SimpleEvent module now has its own log level ("simpleEventLogLevel" global setting) removed obsolete "onBadSpringVersion" functionality removed random password functionality (using "_RANDOM_" as value for "password" hosting setting) and !pass command 0.12.0a: localize variable $_ (improve AnyEvent stability) 0.12.1: SPADS is no longer unresponsive during Spring archives reload (unitsync calls are performed asynchronously) Spring archives reload time is now monitored and logged !status output now shows if Spring archives are being reloaded 0.12.2: improved Spring archives handling added fast mode for Spring archives reloading (detects archives addition/removal, but not archives modifications) 0.12.2a: prevent using !promote command when battle is locked or full 0.12.3: workaround for uberserver sending "None" instead of proper integer value as account ID try to improve resiliency regarding unitsync library crashes fix rehost loop when trying to host for more than 10 players without bot flag (new lobby server limitation) 0.12.4: Spring version auto-management can now be used to auto-update to maintenance builds of Spring 0.12.4a: fix SPADS restart not working properly in CMD shell on Windows 10 fix memory detection on Windows systems with > 4GB RAM 0.12.5: use new lobby compat flags "l" and "t" instead of the obsolete one "a" show lobby clients versions in !searchUser command output add support for server side KICKFROMBATTLE command fix total account in-game time no longer shown in !hostStats output due to lobby server message syntax change remove obsolete single-engine mode code (multi-engine lobby protocol is now always used) remove obsolete code to find CPU speed (this field is ignored by lobby server) remove usage of CPU speed values to determine possible smurf accounts (this field is no longer provided by lobby server) remove "cpu" filter for !ban/!unban commands fix duplicate log lines when SPADS joins a channel (workaround for lobby server sending both JOIN and JOINED commands when joining a channel) store lobby clients versions data when user data retention is enabled improve channel topic handling retrieve full Spring version only once (when unitsync library is loaded), instead of retrieving it each time a (re)connection to lobby server is performed 0.12.6: experimental support for TLS on lobby connection SpringLobbyInterface module logs are now also printed on standard output 0.12.6a: improve lobby compatibility flags management 0.12.7: TLS encryption is now used by default for lobby server communication if available (requires IO::Socket::SSL module) TLS status is now shown in !version output minor optimization in the REMOVESCRIPTTAGS command sent when a player leaves the battle 0.12.7a: fix rehost loop when trying to host for more than 8 players without bot flag 0.12.8: force startPosType battle setting to be sent lower case (workaround for uberserver not converting to lower case as documented) 0.12.8a: fix team balancing not being deterministic on modern perl versions when some players had exact same skill values (!balance was actually acting like !rebalance) 0.12.9: fix !update command triggering reconnection to lobby server on some system 0.12.10: improve noSpecChat mode (prevent some bypass tricks + better logging) 0.12.11: improve balance algorithm for 3v3 when one player has a very low skill value compared to the others (degrade team skill homogeneity in profit of better overall balance) 0.12.12: improve concurrent SPADS auto-update management (instances sharing same installation directory) enrich !version command output with information about auto-update configuration 0.12.12a: fix minor bug in !version command output (race condition in auto-update delay computation) 0.12.13: fix SPADS opening multiple handles on same log file cleanup file handles before restarting SPADS (workaround for missing close-on-exec flag causing file handle leak on SPADS restart) replace forkProcess by forkCall for auto-update management cleanup exec calls 0.12.14: allow autoBalance and autoFixColors to run simultaneously to speed up automatic battle management the !balance command now also automatically fixes colors simultaneously if autoFixColors is enabled 0.12.15: improve boss mode usability (only the !boss command originator is made boss initially) 0.12.16: close unused handle on lock file when auto-update is in standby mode (multi-instance mode) display the Spring server type used by SPADS in !version command output ("dedicated" or "headless") show instance name and SPADS version in console window title (Windows) 0.12.17: detect when running in daemon mode (no console) and prevent new console creation when SPADS is restarted (Windows) replace the internal function used to close all non-system filehandles by the one provided by the SimpleEvent module 0.12.18: new plugin event callback "onLobbyLogin" configuration macros data are now available from plugins plugin constructors and onUnload callbacks now receive an additional parameter which indicates the context/reason plugins can now close the battle lobby without triggering broadcast messages the plugin package namespace is now correctly removed from the symbol table on plugin unload (the "no warnings 'redefine'" pragma is no longer needed in plugins) forbid configuration setting overrides for critical settings "springServer" and "endGameCommand" when used through !reloadConf and !restart commands 0.12.19: experimental support for shared dynamic data between multiple instances (saved map boxes, bans and trusted lobby certificates) add a check to prevent some duplicate bans 0.12.20: enrich !version command output with the list of shared data (if any) and SQLite information (if used) 0.12.21: fix CPU and local LAN IP detection when using 64-bit Perl (Windows) improve handling of Windows error messages (support more error codes) 0.12.22: allow map info cache data to be shared between instances (only one instance needs to build the cache, saving lots of slow unitsync library calls in multi-instance case) 0.12.23: fix end of forked process not always detected properly on Perl 64-bit builds (Windows) 0.12.24: event loop time slice is now configurable (extended format of "eventModel" global setting) default event loop time slice reduced from 1s to 0.5s to increase global responsiveness delay between main SPADS checks reduced from 1s to 0.5s to increase responsiveness of automatic functionalities increased shutdown/restart speed enforce valid plugin name format in !plugin command print SPADS process ID in startup log message fixed some errors generating empty line after log message 0.12.24a: fix error message when restarting for update at start 0.12.25: auto-close lock file handles on forks to avoid I/O race conditions 0.12.26: plugin callbacks for processes, signals, sockets and timers are now automatically removed when the plugin is unloaded refactor plugin handling code: all plugin code and data are now correctly removed from memory even when the plugin load failed when configuration is reloaded, the new value for the autoLoadPlugins global setting is now taken into account (new plugins are automatically loaded) 0.12.27: unitsync mod data management refactored to reduce start-up time (for servers keeping lots of mods in Spring data directory) 0.12.28: show current preset and description of current preset in !status output support new placeholders in "welcomeMsg" and "welcomeMsgInGame" preset settings: "%p" for current global preset, "%P" for description of current global preset 0.12.29: extend usage of following plugin callbacks for Python compatibility: onVoteRequest, addStartScriptTags, balanceBattle, setMapStartBoxes, updateCmdAliases, updatePlayerSkill, updateGameStatusInfo and updateStatusInfo fix plugin function setMapStartBoxes not being called when loading map boxes manually using !loadBoxes command show version of Inline::Python module and Python interpreter if used in !version command output added Inline to SimpleEvent proxy packages list 0.12.30: refactor SPADS status retrieving code 0.12.31: declare proxy packages sooner (fix plugin name not included in error messages during Python plugin auto-loading) 0.12.32: improve workarounds for lobby protocol limitations support maximum number of teams and IDs allowed by engine (251) 0.12.33: fix team balancing not being fully deterministic in some specific conditions (random balance mode, or AI bots in battle with idShareMode set to "clan" or "manual") 0.12.34: added new optional color assignment algorithm, taking game mode and battle structure into account trigger color check when balance is modified (allows color fixing algorithms depending on battle structure) fix minor bug triggering duplicate UPDATEBOT commands when assigning AI bot colors while auto-balance is being applied new plugin API customization callback "fixColors" (allows implementing new color assignment algorithms) added protection against inconsistent team/ID configuration in battle lobby (prevents launching game) fix color fixing being triggered instead of auto-balance when "rankMode" or "skillMode" settings are modified 0.12.35: new plugin event callbacks: "onJoinedBattle" and "onLeftBattle" 0.12.36: minor improvements for some edge cases when balancing battles with clans thresholds for allowed unbalance induced by clans are no longer cumulative ("clanMode" setting) 0.12.37: added raw time data fields to SPADS status retrieving functions 0.12.38: added experimental sequential mode for unitsync library (prevents concurrent calls from multiple SPADS intances) 0.12.39: improve Perl warnings logs (provide stacktrace to help debugging) improve cheat mode detection 0.12.40: write SPADS configuration and clan data in startscript improve support of plugin customization callback "addStartScriptTags" for Python plugin (avoid overwriting data) 0.12.41: add a cache for the preferences data of the players in the battle lobby (fix SQLite error "database is locked" when preferences data are shared between multiple busy instances) 0.12.42: allow default "voteTime" and "minVoteParticipation" values to be overloaded for any command (in commands.conf) 0.12.43: added experimental support of configurable supermajority (aka qualified majority) in vote system 0.12.44: added experimental "awayVoteDelay" setting (configure the delay for automatic votes when players are in away mode, or disable the functionality) 0.12.45: the loaded plugins list is now accessible from plugins 0.12.46: implement new experimental SPADS client API using relayed JSON-RPC protocol ("!#JSONRPC" commands sent in private messages by other lobby clients) new SPADS client API functions: "getSettings" and "status" 0.12.47: replace the basic list functions any/all/none/notall with those provided by the List::Util Perl module (requires Perl >= 5.19.5) fix parameter checks for SPADS client API function "getSettings" 0.12.48: minor internal rework regarding SPADS client API 0.12.49: refactor SPADS client API response management to allow asynchronous processing 0.12.50: fix Perl warnings "Use of uninitialized value" occuring when votes timeout (introduced by version 0.12.44) 0.12.51: commands rights granularity improved (new game state : "voting", when the game is not running but a vote is in progress to start it) 0.12.52: valid lobby server TLS certificates (i.e. matching lobby server hostname and signed by a trusted CA) no longer require to be additionally trusted by hash minor fix for redirection 0.12.53: try to print fatal errors in log files before exiting 0.12.54: refactor the "generatePassword" function to allow custom allowed characters 0.12.55: allow plugins to update skill uncertainty value ("updatePlayerSkill" customization callback) fix sending of superfluous REMOVESCRIPTTAGS commands for players skill values 0.12.56: extend !list command usage to show current vote settings: "!list vSettings" improve vote status message: remove total votes counter, take minVoteParticipation into account directly in yes/no counters fix vote participation calculation when majorityVoteMargin is used fix handling of majorityVoteMargin when vote delay has expired fix vote messages showing inconsistent values for maximum number of required yes/no votes when majorityVoteMargin is used 0.12.57: allow using regular expression syntax when declaring allowed mod/map option values in battlePresets.conf (for string type options only) 0.12.58: avoid calling unitsync functions deprecated in Spring 106 [thanks CommanderSpice] 0.12.59: read files directly instead of calling "cat" through shell when retrieving system info fix typo in !force output when player is not found 0.12.60: add support for auto-management of engine releases from GitHub fix duplicate log messages when exiting/restarting in some circunstances 0.12.61: improve non-Windows operating systems detection 0.12.62: minor fixes regarding management of players who leave without voting while a poll in progress 0.12.63: workaround for lobby server sending SERVERMSG instead of OPENBATTLEFAILED when the battle opening is denied due to lobby client not using TLS 0.12.64: put "" at start of packages list to make manual upgrade message clearer during major SPADS updates 0.13.0: new command: !resign (was previously provided by the "Resign" plugin) new global settings: lobbyTls, sharedDataRefreshDelay, sequentialUnitsync, majorityVoteMargin, awayVoteDelay (they replace the corresponding configuration macros, which are now obsolete) new global settings: bansData, mapInfoCacheData, savedBoxesData, trustedLobbyCertificatesData, preferencesData (they replace the "sharedData" configuration macro, which is now obsolete) vote settings can now be overridden in the commands configuration file ("commands.conf" by default) make "colorSensitivity" setting dynamic (changed type from global setting to preset setting) improve setting change detection code use new unitsync library wrapper mechanism on non-Windows systems (no pre-compilation required anymore) detect available unitsync functions automatically map information (width, height and start positions) are now cached again (this functionality was disabled since SPADS 0.11.48 due to unitsync backward compatibility breakage in Spring 104) check number of start positions available in map before launching a game in fixed or random start position type refactor dependency checking code 0.13.1: the "lobbyReconnectDelay" global setting now accepts a range for delay randomization 0.13.2: use new object-oriented unitsync interface remove ugly "self-exec" at start on Linux (LD_PRELOAD trick no longer needed with new unitsync interface) improve unitsync error logging and management add progress report for map checksums caching process improve progress report for map info caching process 0.13.3: try to load TLS module (IO::Socket::SSL) only when required (i.e. when lobbyTls is set to "on" or "auto", or when engine is auto-managed using GitHub) 0.13.4: use host hashes provided by unitsync during login 0.13.5: minor fix for !restart/!reload commands (conf macro redefinitions handling code) code style and consistency improvements 0.13.6: add new placeholders for "promoteMsg" global setting ("%P": number of players in battle, "%S": number of spectators in battle, "%U": total number of users in battle) 0.13.7: use non-blocking TLS handshake always allow unique boss to unboss himself minor fix in broken lobby connection detection add comments regarding unused timeout callbacks 0.13.8: do not print warnings when current game type changes and SPADS cannot update TrueSkill ratings, if ratings for previous game type were already unknown fix instant map/preset change just after battle is open when recovering from an offline period longer than rotationDelay 0.13.9: use forked processes for asynchronous processing of engine version auto-management 0.13.10: fix race condition between dedicated/headless server and unitsync that caused the archive cache to be cleared minor fix in local LAN IP address detection fix detection of game server already being launched in !forceStart command processing 0.13.11: share "bosses" data with plugins 0.13.12: fix value of $commandResult parameter of "postSpadsCommand" plugin API callback for !callVote and !vote commands 0.13.13: revamp SPADS exit code management 0.13.14: allow setting empty battle settings using "!bSet" command 0.13.15: minor fix regarding settings shortcuts management 0.13.16: fix return code for several SPADS commands (so that the "postSpadsCommand" plugin callback receives consistent "commandResult" value) 0.13.17: allow value "0" for "checkDelay" field in "autoManagedSpringVersion" global setting (engine release version is identified at start only, no periodic check for update) 0.13.18: prevent lock file handles from being inherited by subprocesses (Windows) 0.13.19: new customization callback for plugins: "delayShutdown" (plugins can now delay SPADS shutdown operation) when a SPADS shutdown/restart is required and no game is in progress, the battle is now closed to prepare for shutdown if the shutdown operation cannot be performed immediately 0.13.20: use unitsync lock file even if sequential unitsync mode is disabled (in this case the lock file is in the instance dir instead of the var dir) 0.13.21: forward raw skill uncertainty values coming from plugins directly instead of mapping them to the integer set 0,1,2,3 0.13.22: support new SpadsUpdater module for improved engine version auto-management from GitHub (multi-branch release tags, Recoil engine shortcut and BAR rolling releases) 0.13.23: allow spaces in battle setting values 0.13.24: escape command line tokens containing '(' character on Windows (fix engine not starting when path contains '(' ) [Windows] 0.13.25: new SPADS client API function: "getPreferences" 0.13.26: new SPADS client API function: "getVoteSettings" 0.13.27: add log message containing current hosting information (game name and engine version) 0.13.28: show transparent partial presets differently than normal partial presets in !list command output fix typo (unitsync exclusive access message) 0.13.29: "!plugin ... reloadConf" command: automatically restore previous plugin configuration when "onReloadConf" plugin callback returns a (defined) false value "!reloadConf" command: reload plugins configurations instead of just copying previous configurations for manually loaded plugins and plugins removed from "autoLoadPlugins" list "!reloadConf" command: do not call "onReloadConf" plugin callback for plugins that have been newly loaded during configuration reload (due to addition in "autoLoadPlugins" list, with "keepSettings" mode disabled) fix typos 0.13.30: workaround for lobby clients removing leading spaces from messages (presets lists) 0.13.31: add support for ring originator (lobby protocol extension) 0.13.32: add SpringLobbyProtocol to the list of auto-updated packages (new dependency of SpringLobbyInterface) 0.13.33: allow SPADS auto-update process to work even if the SpringLobbyInterface module could not be loaded (this happens during normal update procedure when the new SpringLobbyProtocol module hasn't been downloaded yet) 0.13.34: fix "!sendLobby" command syntax for compatibility with new lobby interface module (parameter handling in shell mode) 0.13.35: add new "onLobbyLoggedIn" plugin API event-based callback rename "onLobbyConnected" plugin API event-based callback to "onLobbySynchronized" add lobby state constants to ease lobby state management 0.13.36: remove superfluous dereference operators 0.13.37: rework the "secToTime" helper function to avoid leap second bug in multi-year duration calculations 0.13.38: use UTF-8 explicitly in log files (fix "Wide character in print" warnings) remove carriage return and line feed characters in messages coming from game server (they are now decoded from UTF-8 explicitly and control characters are no longer automatically removed) 0.13.39: refactor and optimize commands handling add support for custom command parameters parsing (handle parameters containing spaces) remove Springie emulation mode (deprecated) use array reference instead of string to return canonical/adjusted command from command handlers extend command aliasing functionality (alias parameters can be reused to build new parameters) improve private and hidden settings management 0.13.40: new plugin API customization callback "commandRightsOverride" (allows overriding access level requirements for calling SPADS commands) 0.13.41: fix Perl warnings occuring when the lobby server closes the connection just after sending the REDIRECT command 0.13.42: fix bug introduced in SPADS 0.13.39 which made the "preSpadsCommand" and "postSpadsCommand" plugin API callbacks receive nested arrays as command parameters for auto-voted commands ============ 0.0.3: first public version (beta) 0.0.3a: authorize '[' and ']' in channel names 0.1.0: new SPADS preset settings ("autoLoadMapPreset:0|1", "hideMapPresets:0|1", "minPlayers:2|2-31") modified SPADS preset settings ("autoStart:on|off|advanced") 0.1.0a: fix preset setting format for map presets 0.1.0b: lower restrictions on preset names (for map presets) 0.1.1: "preset" is no longer a mandatory parameter for non-default presets 0.1.1a: space character is now authorized in channel settings (for channel password) 0.2.0: new SPADS preset settings: "welcomeMsgInGame" and "mapLink" (refer to configuration templates for default values) 0.2.1: "rotationType" setting can now contain a sub map list (applied on current map list), example: "rotationType:map;smallMaps") "level" is now allowed as input field in banLists.conf file 0.3.0: new SPADS global setting ("allowSettingsShortcut:0") new SPADS preset setting ("forwardLobbyTogame:0|1") 0.4.0: new SPADS global settings ("alertLevel:130", "alertDelay:6", "alertDuration:72", "colorSensitivity:55") 0.4.1: add support for configuration reload without altering current settings values 0.4.1a: the first matching ban entry is now used for ban lists specified in banLists.conf, instead of the hardest one 0.5.0: new SPADS global setting ("autoReloadArchivesMinDelay:30") new SPADS preset setting ("allowModOptionsValues:1|0") new battle setting ("resetmodoptions:0") - this setting is only used when the battle preset is loaded, so alternate values ("|...") are useless 0.5.0a: backport of fix 0.6.1c 0.6.0: new SPADS global setting ("autoLearnMaps:0") renamed SPADS global setting from "prefDumpDelay" to "dataDumpDelay" new SPADS preset setting ("allowGhostMaps:0|1") new dynamic data file containing map hashes for ghost map hosting: "mapHashes.dat" 0.6.1: internal Perl hashes are now used for dynamic data that don't require regexp searches (preferences, map hashes and map boxes) (this should boost SPADS responsiveness for big battles when a lot of user preferences are stored) 0.6.1a: the special filter "_GHOSTMAPS_" can now be used in mapLists.conf, it matches all ghost maps ("!_GHOSTMAPS_" will filter ghost maps out) 0.6.1b: do not dump saved boxes if they didn't change 0.6.1c: getCommandLevels now returns a copy of the data (protect direct data access from outside SpadsConf): fix a case where someone could use !set with insufficient rights 0.7.0: experimental Windows support new SPADS global setting ("autoUpdateBinaries:no" on Linux/Unix, "autoUpdateBinaries:yes" on Windows) new input field in users.conf: "auth" new preference: "password" when dumping dynamic data, fix invalid field values to keep correctly formatted files (exotic names with Spring lobby server in LAN mode) 0.7.1: load the new settings help file (helpSettings.dat) 0.7.2: added function to return case sensitive help data (for HTML doc generation) 0.8.0: new global settings ("kickBanDuration:120", "minLevelForIpAddr:130", "userDataRetention:0;0") new preset settings ("handleSuggestions:0", "rankMode:account", "shareId:", "extraBox:0|1", "idShareMode:auto|manual|all") new preferences: "handleSuggestions", "rankMode", "shareId" new dynamic data file for user data retention: userData.dat IP ban management: "ip" is now allowed as input field in banLists.conf file (requires user data retention) smurf detection algorithm extra box management to save map boxes of special game types (King of the Hill ...) 0.8.1: new allowed value for "idShareMode" setting: "clan" 0.8.1a: IP bans no longer kick users with unknown IPs 0.8.1b: prints a warning when dynamic data dump takes longer than expected 0.8.1c: "contrib" release type added (contains external unchecked patches) removed configuration macro management for dynamic data files file parsing optimized 0.8.1d: user data storing/dumping optimized 0.8.1e: user preferences dumping optimized 0.8.1f: do not use recursivity to parse big files (save memory) 0.8.1g: max value of the maxPlayers hosting setting is now 251 0.8.1h: fix IP retention when storing unlimited number of IPs ("-1") 0.8.2: new input field in users.conf and bans.dat: "accountId" dead code removed 0.8.3: preferences are now indexed by AccountId if available, username else (old format preferences are automatically imported) 0.8.3a: ',' are now allowed in dynamic data (usefull for dynamic bans on multiple values at the same time) 0.9.0: new global settings ("onBadSpringVersion:closeBattle", "maxSpecsImmuneLevel:100", "minVoteParticipation:34", "useWin32Process:0") new preset settings ("ircColors:0", "spoofProtection:warn", "clanMode:tag;pref(10)", "autoStop:gameOver", "noSpecChat:0", "noSpecDraw:0") new preferences: "spoofProtection", "ircColors", "clan" user data retention is now indexed on account IDs instead of user names (userData.dat is rewritten from scratch, previous file is saved) 0.9.0a: it is now possible to specify IP ranges with "-" syntax 0.9.1: new "whenOnlySpec" value for "autoRestartForUpdate" global setting new rank value added for "rankMode" setting/preference 0.9.2: new autoSaveBoxes value allowed: "2" (auto-save map boxes only if there is no start box saved for this map yet) 0.9.3: new "freeSettings" syntax allowed to restrict free values of each setting 0.9.4: heavy refactor to prepare database interface for dynamic data 0.9.5: new "idShareMode" value allowed: "off" (workaround for 16 IDs max lobby limitation: it totally disables shared IDs, disregarding what is set in battle lobby) fix "order" map rotation mode not following order of map list filters it is now possible to set "map" setting to an empty value in configuration files to use the first map of current map list 0.9.6: added map options cache system 0.9.6a: small fix for map hash cache system (for maps with ':' in their name) 0.10.0: new global settings ("forceHostIp:", "springConfig:", "springServerType:", "statusFloodAutoKick:7;7", "broadcastChannels:") new preset settings ("rotationManual:random", "minTeamSize:1", "endGameCommand:", "endGameCommandEnv:", "maxRemoteBots:8", "maxLocalBots:8", "autoAddBotNb:0", "localBots:joe 0 E323AI;jim core KAIK", "allowedLocalAIs:E323AI;HughAI;KAIK;RAI", "allowMapOptionsValues:1", "midGameSpecLevel:0", ghostMapLink, "advertDelay:15", "advertMsg:") global setting "msgFloodAutoBan" renamed to "kickFloodAutoBan" battle setting "resetmodoptions" has been renamed to "resetoptions" and now concerns both mod options and map options underscore character "_" no longer allowed in login name 0.10.0a: value "0" is now forbidden for nbPlayerById, teamSize, and nbTeams preset settings (it makes no sense to allow this value in configuration and it may crash SPADS) 0.10.1: new preset setting ("endGameCommandMsg:") 0.10.1a: allow multiple exit codes in endGameCommandMsg definitions 0.10.2: new preset setting ("endGameAwards:1|0") 0.10.3: getIpRank function removed (logic is now implemented in SPADS core using getIpAccounts) 0.10.3a: removed obsolete code 0.11.0: new global settings ("pluginsDir:%varDir%/plugins", "autoLoadPlugins:") new preset settings ("speedControl:0|1", "skillMode:rank") new preference: "skillMode" SPADS configuration system can now be used by plugins too, including command rights management new filter "playing" can now be used in commands rights configuration (only matches players actually playing in the current game) commands prefixed with '#' are considered as bot commands and don't require help 0.11.1: "rank" has been renamed to "skill" in balanceMode setting values ("skill","clan;skill") the "pluginsDir" directory is no longer added to Perl include directories if empty 0.11.2: plugin help files must now be located in the plugins directory (instead of the var directory) 0.11.2a: updated "speedControl" allowed values (new range: 1-2) 0.11.3: dump dynamic data in network byte order to make binary files easily importable on different architectures 0.11.3a: use ANSI colors on Windows too 0.11.4: plugins configuration files can now contain a preset named "_DEFAULT_" which will be used if default global preset isn't found 0.11.5: add migration function for new cached map data containing start positions 0.11.6: colon and pipe characters are now escaped in fastTable (should fix the "Invalid value found while dumping data" warnings) add floatRange type 0.11.6a: add check for table config files containing data with no pattern defined 0.11.6b: remove obsolete code used for map info cache data migration 0.11.7: range notations for user and ban filters now also match decimal numbers greater/less than (or equal to) notations are now also allowed in user and ban filters: >,<,>=,<= 0.11.8: ban durations can now also be expressed in number of games the kickBanDuration global setting now also accepts durations expressed in number of games dynamic ban entries can now be identified by their hash number in "!list bans" and "!unban" commands 0.11.8a: use "//=" syntax instead of "if(defined ...)" 0.11.8b: homogenize quotes and use more efficient list searching functions 0.11.8c: replace unneeded regular expressions by classic string searches 0.11.9: skill based bans are now integrated in SPADS core new fields in banLists.conf file ("skill" and "skillUncert") 0.11.9a: ignore leading and trailing spaces in settings files (should fix a rehost loop bug when the battleName hosting setting contains any leading or trailing space) 0.11.9b: timestamps are automatically enabled and colors automatically disabled in STDOUT messages if SPADS output is redirected to a file 0.11.10: it is now possible to specify multiple Spring data directories through the "springDataDir" global setting Spring data directory no longer needs to be writable 0.11.10a: use more compact version of any/all/none/notall list functions 0.11.11: local AI bots colors can now be configured 0.11.12: the "autoStop" preset setting can now contain a delay value to replace the 5 seconds default 0.11.13: new allowed value for "endGameAwards" preset setting: "2" (enable end game awards for all games) 0.11.14: the "minVoteParticipation" setting value can now depend on game runing state 0.11.15: force directory settings to use absolute directory format code simplifications (homogeneous quotes, chained dereferencing...) 0.11.15a: ignore bots for smurf detection 0.11.16: ignore "binDir" global setting and use SPADS script location directly (the binDir setting will be removed in next major SPADS release) 0.12.0: removed obsolete global settings: binDir, autoUpdateBinaries, onBadSpringVersion removed obsolete preset settings: minRankForPasswd, minLevelForPasswd new global settings: instanceDir, autoManagedSpringVersion, autoManagedSpringDir, unitsyncDir, simpleEventLogLevel, eventModel, maxChildProcesses following global settings can now contain relative paths: etcDir, varDir, logDir, pluginsDir when Spring version auto-management is enabled, the "springServer" global setting must now be empty and the "springServerType" global setting must now be defined the "minLevelForIpAddr" global setting has been renamed to "privacyTrustLevel" as it is used for privacy data in general, not only IP addresses the "clan" value for "balanceMode" preset setting has been renamed to "clan;random", to better reflect the fact that the balance is random appart from clans being honored the "instanceDir" global setting is now used instead of "varDir" to store all dynamic data which are instance-specific the "pluginsDir" global setting can no longer be empty 0.12.0a: localize variable $_ (improve AnyEvent stability) 0.12.1: the "autoManagedSpringVersion" global setting now accepts "maintenance" value in springRelease field (to stay up to date with Spring maintenance builds) 0.12.2: added "lobbyClient" to the list of allowed filters for ban lists declaration added lobby client data to user data retention removed obsolete CPU data from user data retention ignore obsolete CPU data when retrieving user access level remove "similar accounts" detection which was based on deprecated CPU speed values 0.12.3: add lobby certificates management for TLS support 0.12.4: added configuration setting override functionality (configuration macros with specific prefixes "set:" and "hSet:") added configuration preset inheritance functionality (preset declaration syntax extension) 0.12.5: experimental support for shared dynamic data between multiple instances (saved map boxes, bans and trusted lobby certificates) 0.12.6: preferences dynamic data can now also be shared between multiple instances (requires DBD::SQLite module) 0.12.7: improve consistency checks for preset configuration 0.12.8: in plugins configuration files, the default preset now inheriths automatically from the "_DEFAULT_" preset if existing (make plugin configuration more flexible) 0.12.9: allow map info cache data to be shared between instances (only one instance needs to build the cache, saving lots of slow unitsync library calls in multi-instance case) improve shared data concurrent access efficiency (add "reserved" lock type) 0.12.10: event loop time slice is now configurable (extended format of "eventModel" global setting) enforce valid plugin name format in "autoLoadPlugins" global setting fixed some errors generating empty line after log message 0.12.11: improve map boxes fetching fallback behavior when extraBox is set 0.12.12: refactor plugin module and configuration loading code: all plugin code and data are now correctly removed from memory when the plugin load failed only check for pluginsDir directory being in Perl include list when configuration is loaded (instead of everytime a plugin is loaded) 0.12.13: the regular expression syntax is now checked when used for the "modName" hosting setting minor fix in hosting presets and battle presets error handling 0.12.14: add support for Python plugins loading improve protection against case conflicts in plugin module names ensure plugin modules are loaded from SPADS plugins directory only add log message when plugin config cannot be loaded 0.12.15: provide current configuration as parameter to the Python plugin loading function (fix auto-load for Python plugins) 0.12.16: the "colorSensitivity" global setting now also accepts value "-1" to use a new color assignment algorithm taking game mode and battle structure into account 0.12.17: allow default "voteTime" and "minVoteParticipation" values to be overloaded for any command (in commands.conf) 0.12.18: new experimental "majorityVoteMargin" setting to support configurable supermajority (aka qualified majority) in vote system 0.12.19: added experimental "awayVoteDelay" setting (configure the delay for automatic votes when players are in away mode, or disable the functionality) 0.12.20: added map list inheritance functionality (map list declaration syntax extension) 0.12.21: replace the basic list functions any/all/none/notall with those provided by the List::Util Perl module (requires Perl >= 5.19.5) 0.12.22: new value "voting" can now be used for filter "gameState" in commands rights configuration (only matches if the game is not running and a vote is in progress to start it) 0.12.23: detect invalid integer setting declarations which use integer range notation as default value (first value) 0.12.24: update "autoManagedSpringVersion" format check function for GitHub mode 0.13.0: new global settings: lobbyTls, sharedDataRefreshDelay, sequentialUnitsync, majorityVoteMargin, awayVoteDelay (they replace the corresponding configuration macros, which are now obsolete) new global settings: bansData, mapInfoCacheData, savedBoxesData, trustedLobbyCertificatesData, preferencesData (they replace the "sharedData" configuration macro, which is now obsolete) the "colorSensitivity" global setting is now a preset setting automatically add new preferences fields in the SQLite database 0.13.1: the "lobbyReconnectDelay" global setting now accepts a range for delay randomization 0.13.2: do not rewrite shared map info data when no new map info is added (may happen when only buggy maps were uncached) 0.13.3: add management of "unstable" engine release from GitHub (most recent release) 0.13.4: allow empty "checkDelay" field in "autoManagedSpringVersion" global setting (use default check delay in this case) 0.13.5: add support dynamic reload of map boxes and map lists configuration files (new "reloadMapBoxes" and "reloadMapLists" functions) 0.13.6: "autoManagedSpringVersion" setting: add "RECOIL" engine version auto-management mode (shortcut for GitHub auto-management mode with "Beyond All Reason" engine repository) "autoManagedSpringVersion" setting: support multi-branch GitHub release tag templates "autoManagedSpringVersion" setting: add "bar" and "barTesting" rolling releases (synchronized with the versions used by official "Beyond All Reason" launcher) "autoManagedSpringVersion" setting: factorize parsing code 0.13.7: add support for preset attributes (only "transparent" attribute supported for now) add support for "transparent" presets (i.e. partial presets which don't update current preset name when applied) when loading partial presets, only reload "commands.conf" file when needed when loading partial presets, only reload hosting and battle presets when needed 0.13.8: when configuration is reloaded in "keepSettings" mode: re-apply current preset if distinct from default preset (allowed values for preset settings are more likely to be correct, even though the full history of intermediate partial presets that might have been used is not restored) use previous value of "autoLoadPlugins" to select plugins for which configuration is reloaded (i.e. conf is still reloaded for plugins removed from "autoLoadPlugins", and no longer reloaded for plugins added to "autoLoadPlugins") configurations of manually unloaded plugins are no longer automatically reloaded (even when listed in "autoLoadPlugins") stop auto-importing previous configuration for manually loaded plugins (now handled by and plugins removed from "autoLoadPlugins" list (their configuration is auto-reloaded, as previous value of "autoLoadPlugins" is now used) allow plugins to use custom setting value checking functions (instead of predefined type identifiers) 0.13.9: correctly honour the "transparent" attribute of battle presets and hosting presets even when they are loaded indirectly by a global preset 0.13.10: fix custom setting value check functions not working for Python plugins fix incorrect path separator used in some error messages on Windows (cosmetic change) 0.13.11: minor fix for checks of command attributes values and user preferences values 0.13.12: support multiple Github tag templates simultaneously update default tag templates to handle the new Github release tag format used by Recoil engine ================= 0.1: first public version (beta) 0.2: allow using instead of 0.3: add component 0.4: use release-dependent configuration templates 0.5: fix unitsync wrapper generation from source files 0.6: battlePresets.conf no longer needs to contain modoptions, so a template is used like other configuration files ask for activation of new mod version auto-detection if the latest version of a mod is selected as default AutoHost mod 0.7: experimental Windows support add "-g" command line option to regenerate unitsync interface module only 0.7a: add "MSVCR71.dll" unitsync dependency (Windows only) 0.7b: installer should now work when SPADS configuration directory ("etcDir") contains spaces 0.8: add settings help file 0.8a: fix unitsync wrapper generation for source files 0.8b: fix repository location (planetspring -> planetspads) 0.9: "contrib" release type added (contains external unchecked patches) 0.9a: SPADS no longer installs/updates/uses its own unitsync.dll (Windows) 0.9b: remove obsolete springserver dynamic library management 0.9c: fix for new syntax of unitsync Init function 0.9d: restore original unitsync Init function syntax (revert 0.9c) 0.10: spring-headless is now also downloaded, previously only spring-dedicated was downloaded (Windows only) spring-headless can now be chosen during installation instead of spring-dedicated use timeouts for wget command 0.10a: and python scripts added to SPADS repository (replay auto-upload system) 0.11: added new SPADS plugin helper module 0.11a: renamed SpadsPluginHelper to SpadsPluginApi 0.12: PerlLobbyInterface and PerlAutoHostInterface renamed respectively to SpringLobbyInterface and SpringAutoHostInterface 0.12a: "mods" folder is no longer listed as subdirectory of spring data directory make Spring 95 behave like previous versions concerning writable data directory location 0.13: delay Spring server packages downloads and use unitsync to find which versions to download (Windows) 0.13a: use ANSI colors on Windows too 0.13b: fix Perl unitsync interface module generation when the unitsync library path contains spaces prevent infinite loop when using the script in non-interactive mode (crontab ...) 0.13c: timestamps are automatically enabled and colors automatically disabled in STDOUT messages if output is redirected to a file 0.14: use -m32 compile option to force 32-bit compilation of the PerlUnitSync module and support MinGW-w64 (Windows) link libgcc and libstdc++ statically when generating PerlUnitSync module to limit dependencies (Windows) log unitsync errors when unitsync Init call fails 0.15: the installer now asks for an optional secondary Spring data directory automatically complete the file paths entered when only the path of the directory containing the requested file is given remove usage of the deprecated unitsync function "GetPrimaryModName" fix spaces not supported in some special paths used by the installer during PerlUnitSync module generation when known, the unitsync library directory is now also checked as possible data directory and possible spring server directory data directories are now also checked as possible spring server directory homogenize quotes and use more efficient list searching functions reordered/refactored code to improve efficiency and maintainability disable the unneeded "-fPIC" compile option on Windows for PerlUnitSync module generation (fix a compilation warning on Windows) the _putenv CRT function is now used to set Unitsync environment variables instead of changing current working directory (Windows) portable code is now used to handle paths: paths generated by the installer no longer contain "/" instead of "\" on Windows (cosmetic only) new placeholder "%pluginsDir%" in configuration templates, to avoid "/" in pluginsDir setting on Windows 0.15a: add SimpleEvent to the list of auto-updated modules 0.16: replace wget by HTTP::Tiny 0.17: add hardcoded Spring default data directories to secondary Spring data directory search paths add "%program files%\Spring" in Spring installation search paths (Windows) 0.17a: add 7zip binary to the list of packages 0.17b: remove the obsolete PerlUnitSync.dll library from the list of auto-updated binary packages (Windows) 0.17c: check Win32::API module version at start (Windows) 0.17d: remove obsolete workaround for internal Perl bool type definition (causes problems with new compilers) 0.18: add macOS compatibility 0.18a: fix Perl modules include path (required for Perl releases which don't include current working directory in default include path) 0.19: remove functions obsolete in Spring 104+ when generating PerlUnitSync interface module 0.20: major revamp for Spring version auto-management the Perl unitsync library interface module is no longer linked to a specific unitsync library (no need to re-generated this module anymore when changing unitsync library path) Spring engine is now automatically downloaded during installation when Spring version auto-management is enabled (no need to have Spring installed on the system before installing SPADS anymore) games and maps can now be automatically downloaded when initializing a new Spring data directory (no need to have Spring games and maps available on the system before installing SPADS anymore) improve algorithms for guessing paths of unitsync library, spring binaries and data directories automatically renamed config macros used during installation to better reflect target setting names 0.21: fix mod name regular expression for test mods 0.22: add "springLobbyCertificates.dat" to the list of auto-updated modules 0.23: add fully automatic/unattended install support fix URL for automatic mod/game downloads 0.24: add full support for maintenance Spring branch 0.25: improve resilience to broken official Spring repository (makes it possible to continue using automatic Spring version management even though the maintenance branch repository is broken) 0.26: fix error when trying to use automatic Spring version management (remove support for obsolete "maintenance" branch) 0.27: replace the basic list functions any/all/none/notall with those provided by the List::Util Perl module (requires Perl >= 5.19.5) 0.28: add support for installation of engines directly from GitHub releases fix download link for minimal set of maps 0.29: use new unitsync library wrapper mechanism on non-Windows systems (no pre-compilation required anymore) refactor dependency checking code check SQLite availability to warn if not available and autoconfigure the new "preferencesData" setting 0.30: use new object-oriented unitsync interface remove ugly "self-exec" to load unitsync on Linux (LD_PRELOAD trick no longer needed with new unitsync interface) 0.31: auto-downloading games using pr-downloader is now supported new games can be auto-downloaded during install: BA(new), TechA(test) and BAR additonal map sets can be auto-downloaded during install (BAR maps) progress bars are now shown when downloading maps last run parameters are now saved in file "spadsInstaller.lastRun", which can be renamed to "" to generate auto-installations remove obsolete handling of configuration settings passed as command line parameters (was used on Linux when self-restarting with previous unitsync interface module) import File::Spec functions instead of using fully qualified names 0.32: fix installer not correctly auto-restarting after self-update 0.33: add management of "unstable" engine release from GitHub (most recent release) 0.34: workaround for missing Spring engine binaries ("develop" branch binaries unavailable for download) 0.35: add component 0.36: fix BAR engine releases not showing in list of available engines when too many releases have been made afterward improve automatic download of BAR maps (use live BAR map list containing URLs if available) improve HTTP download error messages 0.37: remove the option to auto-download the set of featured maps of BAR (the "bar" map set now contains all BAR maps and replaces the previous "BAR" set) 0.38: add support for remote installation templates (new "--auto" command line parameter) 0.39: new "recoil" engine auto-management mode (shortcut for "github" mode using "Beyond All Reason" repository) add support for GitHub branches in github/recoil engine version auto-management modes redesign the engine binary type choice message redesign the available engine versions listing message fix warnings for missing releases 0.40: alternate configuration file download URLs can now be provided by installation templates SPADS plugins can now be auto-installed by installation templates (new special auto-install setting: "autoInstallPlugins") SPADS configuration files can now be auto-patched during installation using special syntax in installation templates 0.41: add SpringLobbyProtocol to the list of auto-updated packages (new dependency of SpringLobbyInterface) 0.42: use BAR specific Rapid repository when auto-downloading BAR (use pr-downloader environment variables defined in BAR launcher config file) 0.43: update default tag templates to handle the new Github release tag format used by Recoil engine ================= 0.1: first public version (beta) 0.2: added remove handler functions (removeSpadsCommandHandler, removeLobbyCommandHandler and removeSpringCommandHandler) 0.2a : remove Windows style line endings (grml!) 0.3: renamed from SpadsPluginHelper to SpadsPluginApi 0.4: reorganized the API initialized POD documentation renamed getSelf to getPlugin 0.5: started actual POD documentation writting new plugin event callback "onGameEnd" new plugin API function "forkProcess" 0.6: new plugin event callback "onJoinBattleRequest" new plugin API function "invalidSyntax" removed some duplicate exports 0.7: new plugin event callbacks "onVoteRequest,postSpadsCommand,preSpadsCommand" new plugin customization callback "filterRotationMaps" 0.8: renamed PerlAutoHostInterface to SpringAutoHostInterface 0.9: new plugin customization callbacks "addStartScriptTags,changeUserAccessLevel,forceCpuSpeedValue" 0.10: new plugin dependencies system, with new callback: "getDependencies" new plugin API accessor "getSpringServerType" fix "getPlugin" API plugin management function (was always returning current plugin) minor fix in "forceCpuSpeedValue" customization callback 0.11: new plugin customization callback "setMapStartBoxes" 0.12: new plugin customization callback "setInGameVoteMsg" 0.13: "setInGameVoteMsg" customization callback replaced by "setVoteMsg" (plugins can now customize lobby vote messages too) 0.14: add doc for getLobbyState and forkProcess 0.15: fix links to Spring autohost interface code (thanks gajop) 0.16: onReloadConf plugin callback can now return 0 to indicate configuration reload failed 0.17: new plugin API functions "addSocket,removeSocket" (sockets management for plugins) 0.18: new plugin customization callback: "updateGameStatusInfo" 0.19: process and socket management logic moved to SPADS core 0.20: use SimpleEvent module which brings AnyEvent support for multi event loop compatibility the "forkProcess" API function now supports a new boolean parameter indicating if the fork request can be queued the "endProcessCallback" parameter provided in "forkProcess" API function calls now receives the PID of the exited process as 4th parameter 0.21: add "forkCall", "addTimer" and "removeTimer" API functions the timer management API functions should now be privileged over the "eventLoop" callback which is too intensive for standard use 0.21a: fix missing parameter in "sayChan" function documentation 0.22: new plugin event callback: preGameCheck 0.22a: the "preGameCheck" callback can now return a special value "1" which prevents game start without generating any message in battle lobby 0.22b: remove documentation for the deprecated plugin customization callback "forceCpuSpeedValue" 0.23: new plugin API accessor "getConfMacros" to retrieve the new shared data "%::confMacros" (configuration macros data) new plugin API function: "createDetachedProcess" (create a new detached/daemon process) new plugin event callback: "onLobbyLogin" (called when connecting to lobby server, just after the login data are sent) the plugin constructor now receives an additional parameter which indicates the context/reason (autoload|load|reload) the "onUnload" plugin event callback now receives an additional parameter which indicates the context/reason (exiting|restarting|unload|reload) the "closeBattle" plugin API function now accepts an additional optional parameter to prevent the broadcast message from being triggered (documentation completed) the "no warnings 'redefine'" pragma is no longer needed in plugin code (the plugin package namespace is now automatically removed from symbol table on plugin unload) enrich the documentation of the plugin event callbacks add the documentation of the "getlobbyInterface" plugin API function 0.24: the "forkProcess" and "forkCall" plugin API functions now also return a handle in addition to the PID new plugin API function: "removeProcessCallback" (remove a process callback added with the "forkProcess" or "forkCall" plugin API function) 0.25: add support for Python plugins loading new Python specific plugin API functions: "get_flag" and "fix_string" use "getOriginPackage" function from SimpleEvent module to determine caller plugin (allows skipping proxy classes when identifying caller plugins) wrap non-code reference callbacks to keep origin information extend usage of following plugin callbacks for Python compatibility: onVoteRequest, addStartScriptTags, balanceBattle, setMapStartBoxes, updateCmdAliases, updatePlayerSkill, updateGameStatusInfo and updateStatusInfo add documentation for Python plugins explicitely list the first parameter "$self" in callback descriptions to avoid confusion 0.26: fix auto-load for Python plugins 0.27: new plugin API function: "updateSetting" additional start script tags can now be inserted in AI sections additional start script subsections can now be inserted in players and AI sections 0.28: new plugin API customization callback "fixColors" (allows implementing new color assignment algorithms) 0.29: new plugin event callbacks: "onJoinedBattle" and "onLeftBattle" 0.30: update documentation for "getCurrentVote()", "getLobbyInterface()" and "getRunningBattle()" accessors 0.31: new plugin API accessor "getPluginList" plugins can now declare lobby command callbacks which will be called before the lobby interface module callbacks (new optional parameter for "addLobbyCommandHandler" and "removeLobbyCommandHandler" plugin API functions) 0.32: allow plugins to update skill uncertainty value ("updatePlayerSkill" customization callback) 0.33: use renammed SPADS core global constants and variables (code style and consistency improvements) 0.34: new plugin API accessor "getBosses" 0.35: update documentation regarding the data structure returned by the getBattle() method of the SpringLobbyInterface module ("disabledUnits" array --> "restrictedUnits" hash) 0.36: allow plugins to set SPADS exit code when calling "quit" function from SPADS plugin API 0.37: new customization callback for plugins: "delayShutdown" (plugins can now delay SPADS shutdown operation) 0.38: new plugin API accessor "getUserPref" 0.39: add documentation for the plugin API functions to send chat messages 0.40: rename "onLobbyConnected" callback to "onLobbySynchronized" add new "onLobbyLoggedIn" callback add lobby state constants to ease lobby state handling/comparisons from plugins improve documentation of "onLobbyLogin" and "onLobbySynchronized" callbacks (explain lobby state synchronization phase) extend documentation of "addLobbyCommandHandler" API function (handlers auto-removed on disconnection => usage of "onLobbyLoggedIn"/"onLobbySynchronized") improve documentation of "getParams" configuration callback (custom types, global/preset settings) extend documentation of "getLobbyState" API function (new lobby state constants, examples) 0.41: SPADS command handlers now use array reference instead of string to return canonical/adjusted command 0.42: new plugin API customization callback "commandRightsOverride" (allows overriding access level requirements for calling SPADS commands) =============== 0.1: first public version (beta) 0.1a: improve warning message when update requires manual actions 0.1b: fix detection of major version number changes 0.1c: fix warning message when update requires manual actions 0.1d: improve (again) warning message: add link to configuration templates 0.1e: explain how to force update of all packages at the same time in the manual update warning message 0.2: use a link to a dedicated file for manual update help 0.3: experimental Windows support 0.3a: updater should now work correctly when SPADS install path contains spaces 0.3b: fix repository location (planetspring -> planetspads) 0.4: try the rename method when updating a module in use (Windows) 0.5: SPADS modules versions can now depend on Perl version (compatibility with Perl 5.12 added on Windows) 0.6: compressed files support 0.6a: do not try to load module "IO::Uncompress::Unzip" on Linux (compressed files support is only needed for Windows binaries) 0.6b: enable binary mode when extracting zip files (Windows only) 0.6c: use timeouts for wget commands 0.6d: add +x flag for python scripts too 0.7: add optional "syncedSpringVersion" parameter to constructor, for Spring version dependent packages (Windows) minor changes in log messages (Windows) 0.8: a lock file is now used to prevent race conditions instead of a basic flag file 0.9: replace wget by HTTP::Tiny use IO::Uncompress::Unzip module on Linux too 0.10: add automatic Spring installation for autohost functionality use persistent HTTP::Tiny object instead of creating a new one for each download automatically add execution permission on downloaded files which have no extension (no '.' in name) add debug logs 0.10a: fix execution permission on downloaded files which have no extension 0.11: revert "use persistent HTTP::Tiny object" which is not thread safe make errors in "downloadFile" function not fatal 0.12: use a non-SSL URL to retrieve Spring versions (Perl SSL modules aren't installed by default on Linux) initialize SSL modules if available when loading the module to fix threading related crashes when fetching SSL URLs prevent SSL downloads if Perl SSL modules aren't available to avoid fatal error 0.12a: update automatic Spring installation code to comply with Spring buildbot output files changes 0.12b: improve verbosity of Spring installation failure error message 0.13: the "localDir" constructor parameter is no longer mandatory (main Perl script directory is used by default) the "syncedSpringVersion" constructor parameter is no longer supported Spring version dependant and Perl version dependant packages are no longer supported 0.13a: localize variable $_ (improve AnyEvent stability) 0.14: automatic Spring installation functionality is now compatible with all Spring branches 0.15: handle new spring-headless.exe dependencies: libIL.dll and libcurl.dll (Windows) 0.16: workaround for 7za static binary incompatibility with recent Linux kernels when using specific locales (Linux) 0.17: support automatic Spring installation for specific versions of the maintenance branch too 0.18: automatic Spring installation now also supports 64-bit builds on Windows (requires 64-bit Perl) 0.19: replace the basic list functions any/all/none/notall with those provided by the List::Util Perl module (requires Perl >= 5.19.5) 0.20: override LC_ALL instead of LANG when calling 7za on Linux (workaround for 7za bug) [thanks CommanderSpice] 0.21: add support for engine releases from GitHub add engine release/version mapping cache system to secure engine auto-management 0.22: use formatted file from GitHub for major update documentation 0.23: simplify message for upgrade procedure during major SPADS updates 0.24: try to load TLS module (IO::Socket::SSL) only when required (i.e. when asked to download a file using HTTPS) pr-downloader can now be extracted when auto-installing engines (used by SPADS installer for initial engine setup) 0.25: add management of "unstable" engine release from GitHub (most recent release) fix management of "testing" engine release from GitHub (most recent release with tag "Pre-release" or "Latest") 0.26: use a specific system for BAR engine release name resolution because BAR GitHub release tags are meaningless 0.27: engine version auto-management: support multi-branch GitHub release tag templates engine version auto-management: new "bar" and "barTesting" rolling releases (synchronized with the versions used by official "Beyond All Reason" launcher) engine version auto-management: add GitHub release cache system engine version auto-management: allow disabling warning messages for missing releases improve logging of HTTP errors 0.28: fix engine downloads from GitHub no longer working when engine tag contains reserved URI characters (thanks DeviousNull) 0.29: support multiple Github tag templates simultaneously springLobbyCertificates.dat: =========================== 0.1: initialization with official Spring lobby certificates ========= 0.1: first public version (beta) 0.2: experimental Windows support 0.3: add settings help file 0.3a: fix repository location (planetspring -> planetspads) 0.4: "contrib" release type added (contains external unchecked patches) 0.4a: SPADS no longer installs/updates/uses its own unitsync.dll (Windows) 0.4b: remove auto-update of obsolete springserver dynamic library (Windows) 0.5: add spring-headless module (Windows) 0.6: add SpadsPluginHelper module 0.6a: renamed SpadsPluginHelper to SpadsPluginApi 0.7: PerlLobbyInterface and PerlAutoHostInterface renamed respectively to SpringLobbyInterface and SpringAutoHostInterface 0.8: add replay upload scripts add "springVersion" parameter for Spring server binaries updates (Windows) 0.8a: use ANSI colors on Windows too 0.8b: timestamps are automatically enabled and colors automatically disabled in STDOUT messages if output is redirected to a file 0.9: add SimpleEvent to the list of auto-updated modules 0.10: remove verbose mode 0.10a: add 7zip binary to the list of packages 0.10b: remove the obsolete PerlUnitSync.dll library from the list of auto-updated binary packages (Windows) remove the -u switch which was used to update the Perl unitsync interface binaries 0.10c: fix Perl modules include path (required for Perl releases which don't include current working directory in default include path) 0.11: script usage is now identical on Linux, Windows an macOS ("springVersion" parameter and "-s" and "-A" flags are no longer supported) Spring binaries cannot be downloaded anymore using, Spring version auto-management functionality of SPADS must be used for that (Windows) the 7za binary is no longer downloaded on macOS 0.12: add "springLobbyCertificates.dat" to the list of auto-updated modules 0.13: replace the basic list functions any/all/none/notall with those provided by the List::Util Perl module (requires Perl >= 5.19.5) 0.14: package is now downloaded for all systems (new unitsync interface using FFI::Platypus) 0.15: add component 0.16: add SpringLobbyProtocol to the list of auto-updated packages (new dependency of SpringLobbyInterface)